narrator voice: this is the type of stuff that noname was talking about on her twitter rant
what was she talking about
I’m actually curious what this music sounds like
Never heard a death grips song in my life but always heard of them on here and sometimes see their albums brought up when talking favorites of the 2010’s
Don't listen to it if your just use to modern Hip Hop, its basically Hip Hop mixed with Death Metal, most accessible/best album imo is Money Store. LA Reid compared them to Whitney Houston lol
narrator voice: this is the type of stuff that noname was talking about on her twitter rant
Lmao what was this about ?
i went to the Franklin Music Hall show and it was pretty unruly but it wasn’t that damned bad
i don’t know where the hell that one dude pissed at lmao, i didn’t even know someone had pissed until i came back home from the show
is this an American thing pal?
saw them in 2017 was expected indie/alt crowd but nothing strange at all
great show if a bit short
! i’d argue this is more of an American Hip-Hop Fan ™️ thing, but that’s a conversation for another day
You Might Think He Loves You for Your Money but I Know What He Really Loves You for It’s Your Brand New Leopard Skin Pillbox Hat 🤪
Don't listen to it if your just use to modern Hip Hop, its basically Hip Hop mixed with Death Metal, most accessible/best album imo is Money Store. LA Reid compared them to Whitney Houston lol
I branch out here and there I don’t expect to like it though just curious
Don't listen to it if your just use to modern Hip Hop, its basically Hip Hop mixed with Death Metal, most accessible/best album imo is Money Store. LA Reid compared them to Whitney Houston lol
it isn’t death metal, it’s industrial hip hop with some rock elements lmao
I branch out here and there I don’t expect to like it though just curious
try No Love Deep Web/Exmilitary from them, that’s their most accessible records imo
wHeN YoU dA ThE SoUnDTrACk 2 dA NEuRoDivErGEnT MASTeR RAcE...WHat CAn oNe TRUlY eXpeCT?
I branch out here and there I don’t expect to like it though just curious
I remember the day Gambino/Donald Glover posted this on his blog back in the day lol
it isn’t death metal, it’s industrial hip hop with some rock elements lmao
Yea, industrial Hip Hop is the correct term
Tfw early 2010s /mu/tants were better socially adjusted by far than TikTok normies of today
a shooting incident is inevitable (and that's a good thing)
this is some weird hater s*** now op
it was weird hater s*** the moment he made the thread lol
op knows this site don’t even like death grips
hey they could be swifties cut some slack
Being a Swiftie is better than being a Gripper lmao
idgaf about the outfits y'all are being overly judgmental with that but the peeing in the mosh pit and the alt-right contingent of the fanbase is cooked
Wtf all these mfs look like school shooters
The propeller hat fits are hilarious
I don't mind them lol like let people dress how they want
Peeing in the crowd and Pepe stickers ain't it though
The fact that Fantano has seen Death Grips in concert multiple times and has had nothing but highly favorable reviews about their live shows with this added context is interesting...