thread consistently proven to be one of the worst of all time thank you Jordan
Will Carti continue his hitless streak in 2024? Maybe he can sample flip Magnolia
it's just weird. not bad
Nigga sound like thug when he use the deep voice
And that’s the best thing
OP lost
Knock off future who is already kinda trash?
Knock off young thug? again?
Came back just to prove OP wrong. Schyeaaah
How if he just mimicking future n thug how I said, this is what he done his whole career
Spoof other artists
Knock off future who is already kinda trash?
Knock off young thug? again?
Relax on future brother
Relax on future brother
Everybody that recorded music b4, especially in a real studio knows Future is trash
Microphones and effects n pre Amps
Make yo voice sound good auto
Everybody that recorded music b4, especially in a real studio knows Future is trash
Microphones and effects n pre Amps
Make yo voice sound good auto
What a fool you are
Knock off future who is already kinda trash?
Knock off young thug? again?
Knock off three six mafia in ya avi