Y’all remember how much they used to post Ye? By and large the artist they posted the most not close
@Tubig brought it up in another thread that there was no MBDTF post and I checked and couldn’t find a Ye post since mid September around his contract leaks.
Around early to mid September they posted him nearly every day but nothing since for 2 months. Didn’t acknowledge or promote his song either
This was the last thing the posted. Right in the middle of his masters rants and 1-2 days before the contracts leaked
Wonder if whatever litigation and s*** going on might actually end with him off the label
They said
Like they acknowledged Alessia Cara and Logics album anniversaries but missed 808s and MBDTF
I seriously haven’t noticed it.
I’m still cracking the f*** up about Def Jam posting a West family picture after Kanye’s rant about Kim & Kris.
From last year
A whole 7 tweet thread for the 8 year anniversary too
Def jam big mad
Step in Def jam building like I'm the s*** tell him give me all the masters or I'ma quit
2 year old tweet
All the tweets I posted were old
the was toward Def Jam for being b****es