  • Apr 16, 2020

    like what the hell is this

    i realize these pushes are probably not coming from the party themselves but just ppl in these dudes camps and their weirdo fan boys , but still

    if they try to pull a switcheroo with anyone but bernie, it should be the final nail in the coffin for anybody paying the least bit of attention

  • Apr 16, 2020
    1 reply

    Nah these pushes coming from outside the party. Biden Cuomo polls have been commissioned by Republicans trying to undermine Biden so this prob same s***


    The poll, conducted on behalf of the Club for Growth PAC – an economic conservative organization –

    Wiki: "The Club for Growth is a conservative[ organization active in the United States, with an agenda focused on cutting taxes and other economic issues."Super-PAC."

  • Apr 16, 2020
    rich scouser

    Nah these pushes coming from outside the party. Biden Cuomo polls have been commissioned by Republicans trying to undermine Biden so this prob same s***


    The poll, conducted on behalf of the Club for Growth PAC – an economic conservative organization –

    Wiki: "The Club for Growth is a conservative[ organization active in the United States, with an agenda focused on cutting taxes and other economic issues."Super-PAC."

    oh yeah that poll specifically but we already saw people/media legit fawning over cuomo before this

    i don’t think it’d actually happen in any degree barring some crazy s*** happening but it does seem like there is some buyer remorse going on but like you said i don’t think any of this is being seriously echoed by players in the party

  • Apr 16, 2020
    1 reply

    Bernie should say f*** it and run third party and then die of a mysterious heart attack, and then only then people might realize that they are living under a totalitarian regimme and there ain't really much difference between america and iran in the way the government is run

  • Apr 16, 2020

    Bernie should say f*** it and run third party and then die of a mysterious heart attack, and then only then people might realize that they are living under a totalitarian regimme and there ain't really much difference between america and iran in the way the government is run

    so does like your brain not process things before you type?

  • Apr 16, 2020
    3 replies

    like imagine wanting a commie in office and then complain about totalitarian regimes what is wrong with people man holy s***

  • Apr 16, 2020
    1 reply

    like imagine wanting a commie in office and then complain about totalitarian regimes what is wrong with people man holy s***

    Dude I meant that they wont let him and "suicide him" that would clear things up, both commies and "republicans" are totalitarians

  • Apr 16, 2020

    I’ve gotten like 20 emails from the democrats the past 3 days asking me to support biden so...

  • Apr 16, 2020
    1 reply

    like imagine wanting a commie in office and then complain about totalitarian regimes what is wrong with people man holy s***

    Bernie doesn't even call himself a communist

  • Apr 16, 2020
    2 replies

    Bernie doesn't even call himself a communist

    eaxctly he's a liar like the rest of the commies

  • Apr 16, 2020
    1 reply

    eaxctly he's a liar like the rest of the commies

    that doesn't even...I'm good on this convo lol

  • Apr 16, 2020
    1 reply

    eaxctly he's a liar like the rest of the commies

  • Apr 16, 2020

  • Apr 16, 2020

    that doesn't even...I'm good on this convo lol

    nah honestly he is though fam regardless of what he wanna tell you. man spent most his life telling us how good bread lines are im ok on that.

  • Apr 16, 2020

    Watching Joe eat s***

  • Apr 16, 2020

    I’d take Cuomo over Biden, I like how he’s handling this pandemic.

  • Apr 16, 2020

    destroy thread

  • Apr 17, 2020
    1 reply

    like imagine wanting a commie in office and then complain about totalitarian regimes what is wrong with people man holy s***

    bernie being a commie

    Americans truly are fckn stupid

  • Apr 17, 2020
    1 reply

    A commie would NEVER endorse Joe Biden

  • Apr 17, 2020

    A commie would NEVER endorse Joe Biden

    well bernie is a shill so i dont see why you thought you had something. did barry not tell this shell of a man to dip?

  • Apr 17, 2020
    ass mileage

    bernie being a commie

    Americans truly are fckn stupid

    lets play a game of "no true ____" ill let you fill that in.

  • Jun 7, 2020

    Where is @op

  • Jun 7, 2020

    like what the hell is this

    i realize these pushes are probably not coming from the party themselves but just ppl in these dudes camps and their weirdo fan boys , but still

    if they try to pull a switcheroo with anyone but bernie, it should be the final nail in the coffin for anybody paying the least bit of attention

    Biden WAS the switcheroo b

  • SlippingThruTheWar

    Dude I meant that they wont let him and "suicide him" that would clear things up, both commies and "republicans" are totalitarians

    And dems are not? lmao