Oscar Isaac Talks The Tone Of “Dune”
“I couldn’t imagine anyone more suited for the tone of the original Frank Herbert novels than Denis. There are some things that are – for lack of a better word – nightmarish about what you see… There’s just this kind of brutalist element to it. It’s shocking. It’s scary. It’s very visceral. And I know that definitely between Denis and myself and Chalamet and Rebecca Ferguson as the family unit, we really searched for the emotion of it. I’m beyond myself with excitement. I think it’s good to feel cool, unique, and special.”
Oscar Isaac Talks The Tone Of “Dune”
“I couldn’t imagine anyone more suited for the tone of the original Frank Herbert novels than Denis. There are some things that are – for lack of a better word – nightmarish about what you see… There’s just this kind of brutalist element to it. It’s shocking. It’s scary. It’s very visceral. And I know that definitely between Denis and myself and Chalamet and Rebecca Ferguson as the family unit, we really searched for the emotion of it. I’m beyond myself with excitement. I think it’s good to feel cool, unique, and special.”
That Oscar coming soon for my mans Isaac
That Timothée kid up to big fkn things. Absolutely killed his performance as King Henry in THE KING (Netflix exclusive). Mf a French heartthrob from NY. “SMD, CHÉRIE!”
Now for the comparisons. Without hesitation, Clement compares the footage he saw in Dune as having such potential, that the movie could be a landmark for Hollywood along the lines of Star Wars 40 years ago or Lord of the Rings 20 years ago. That doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a movie that’s like either of the two, but that it could turn out to be an important milestone for cinema similar to what both these movies / franchises were when they first hit theaters.
Clement described the footage as a mix of grimy realism mixed with dreamy imagery, and the set design as being along the same lines as Arrival and Blade Runner 2049."
Now for the comparisons. Without hesitation, Clement compares the footage he saw in Dune as having such potential, that the movie could be a landmark for Hollywood along the lines of Star Wars 40 years ago or Lord of the Rings 20 years ago. That doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a movie that’s like either of the two, but that it could turn out to be an important milestone for cinema similar to what both these movies / franchises were when they first hit theaters.
Clement described the footage as a mix of grimy realism mixed with dreamy imagery, and the set design as being along the same lines as Arrival and Blade Runner 2049."
F***ing bring it Denis, I'm ready.
Now for the comparisons. Without hesitation, Clement compares the footage he saw in Dune as having such potential, that the movie could be a landmark for Hollywood along the lines of Star Wars 40 years ago or Lord of the Rings 20 years ago. That doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a movie that’s like either of the two, but that it could turn out to be an important milestone for cinema similar to what both these movies / franchises were when they first hit theaters.
Clement described the footage as a mix of grimy realism mixed with dreamy imagery, and the set design as being along the same lines as Arrival and Blade Runner 2049."
Ok I'm hard
Now for the comparisons. Without hesitation, Clement compares the footage he saw in Dune as having such potential, that the movie could be a landmark for Hollywood along the lines of Star Wars 40 years ago or Lord of the Rings 20 years ago. That doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a movie that’s like either of the two, but that it could turn out to be an important milestone for cinema similar to what both these movies / franchises were when they first hit theaters.
Clement described the footage as a mix of grimy realism mixed with dreamy imagery, and the set design as being along the same lines as Arrival and Blade Runner 2049."
even though lynch's dune is victim to forced cuts and has some odd choices (5 min worm montage at the end) i think denis is gonna have to do something crazy to out do it
otherwise i can see this as lotr tier based on track record and cast, not a bad spot to end up but really nothing special
even though lynch's dune is victim to forced cuts and has some odd choices (5 min worm montage at the end) i think denis is gonna have to do something crazy to out do it
otherwise i can see this as lotr tier based on track record and cast, not a bad spot to end up but really nothing special
LOTR s***s on Lynch’s Dune what the f*** lmao. LOTR is arguably the greatest thing to come out of Hollywood in terms of blockbusters
His Dune is literally unwatcheable
Now for the comparisons. Without hesitation, Clement compares the footage he saw in Dune as having such potential, that the movie could be a landmark for Hollywood along the lines of Star Wars 40 years ago or Lord of the Rings 20 years ago. That doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a movie that’s like either of the two, but that it could turn out to be an important milestone for cinema similar to what both these movies / franchises were when they first hit theaters.
Clement described the footage as a mix of grimy realism mixed with dreamy imagery, and the set design as being along the same lines as Arrival and Blade Runner 2049."
Need this badly
S*** looks like a bad episode of Star Trek
like I love Lynch and everything but his Dune is straight up ass. Stop tryna gas dogshit up cuz of name associated with it
It is clear there is a different kind of talent needed to helm big genre films like that and even Lynch himself has admitted he doesn't have the skill for that.
like I love Lynch and everything but his Dune is straight up ass. Stop tryna gas dogshit up cuz of name associated with it
It is clear there is a different kind of talent needed to helm big genre films like that and even Lynch himself has admitted he doesn't have the skill for that.
i can recognize it wasn't the greatest (and prob the worst in his filmography) but knowing the issues he had with the production of the film before watching it led me to look at it more fondly and appreciate what he did well ¯_(ツ)_/¯
that being said it would be a great achievement if villenueve can pull off something in the lotr tier, i just think that space is tired and boring if you arent invested in the source material
those last posts... Denis could wish to produce something of LOTR’s calibre, but he will never be able to, lmao
I feel sorry for Lynch’s fans though, I can’t imagine myself sitting through his dune (there is prolly a 💯 better ways to waste ones time than this) 😂 He got yall so brain dead you can’t even recognise a good movie if it poked yall in the eye 👉👁