  • BlueDream

    totally not jealous

  • tommorow gonna be the slowest day ever lol, but i can’t wait to take my edible on tuesday night and watch both films back to back.


    When does it come to Max

    May 21st

  • Got my copy

    feels good supporting real cinema

  • May 17
    3 replies

    Maybe I do this edit?

  • mjpplus

    Maybe I do this edit?

    Does this work?

  • May 17
    1 reply

    Maybe I do this edit?

    What r u doing?

  • May 17

    "Under our glorious black sun

    We welcome to these special activities

    Our beloved leader Baron Vladimir Harkonnen"

    Such a f***in classic

  • Makaveli

    What r u doing?

    Making Dune 1 and 2 a single film

    Posted the transition above

  • mjpplus

    Maybe I do this edit?

    apparently these moments in Part 1 & 2 all sync up

  • May 20
    2 replies

    absolute cinema

  • Ryuka

    absolute cinema

  • May 22
    1 reply

    finally watched this, holy f\*\*\*

  • every scene with paul after he drank the water of life was incredible

  • May 22

    absolute cinema

  • gothangelsinner

    finally watched this, holy f\*\*\*

    Came in here to make this exact post lmao, s*** was so damn good

  • May 28
    4 replies

    It made sense plot wise but damn the ending felt rushed. It feels like we go from the movie about to end on a cliffhanger to the entire war getting wrapped up instantly and all the villains getting taken out

    And what exactly was zendaya so upset about?

  • WT777

    It made sense plot wise but damn the ending felt rushed. It feels like we go from the movie about to end on a cliffhanger to the entire war getting wrapped up instantly and all the villains getting taken out

    And what exactly was zendaya so upset about?

    He told Chani he didn't want power, then he not only took it -- but took it in a way which also repudiated their relationship. From her perspective, it was a double-betrayal.

    When Paul promised to "lead them to paradise", his initial promise was restricted to Arrakis: liberating it from foreign occupation and using that freedom to make the land green and abundant. After the Battle of Arrakeen, however, he shifts "leading the Fremen to paradise" to mean holy war -- the very holy war which he told Chani he wanted to avoid.

    So yeah, her reaction is understandable. It's very different from "book Chani", but it makes sense within the confines of the movie adaptation.

  • WT777

    It made sense plot wise but damn the ending felt rushed. It feels like we go from the movie about to end on a cliffhanger to the entire war getting wrapped up instantly and all the villains getting taken out

    And what exactly was zendaya so upset about?

    The true villain of the story is still alive at the end.

  • May 29
    1 reply

    It made sense plot wise but damn the ending felt rushed. It feels like we go from the movie about to end on a cliffhanger to the entire war getting wrapped up instantly and all the villains getting taken out

    And what exactly was zendaya so upset about?

    The war and take over is just beginning.