@Cats Here, another thread for you to complain about Denzel Curry in
you're actually in tears over this
The Nightmare Before Christmas type beat.
@rune @Cats idk and idc what beef u having im just confused on why this sounds like a literal children’s song
Cats implied that Denzel Curry was creating music for white redditors, I just found it ironic that a thread like this ended up getting posted 5 minutes after
it's absolutely 100% not that deep
you the one who got in their feelings after I said taboo was trash
you the one who got in their feelings after I said taboo was trash
it's absolutely 100% not that deep
ok lol
i dont take ktt as serious as you do if you think im getting worked up over an argument about an artist i havent listened to since 2017
ok lol
i dont take ktt as serious as you do if you think im getting worked up over an argument about an artist i havent listened to since 2017
I'm barely in music sxn cause of garbage posters like you
I'm barely in music sxn cause of garbage posters like you
keep it that way chief