  • Ezio 🎰
    Dec 15, 2021
    1 reply

    you want radical ? let's get radical. and let's start right here on KTT. let's force everyone that ever used the despicable word that starts with N on this forum to take a picture of their forearm, make sure they're black.

  • Ezio 🎰
    Dec 15, 2021
    1 reply

    notice how it's quiet all of a sudden ?!

    bunch of pussies

  • Dec 15, 2021
    rnb sponge

    Nahhh that whole "let that generation" die off doesn't work cause they pass it on to their kids!

  • Tadow 🥀
    Dec 15, 2021
  • Dec 15, 2021
    rnb sponge

    why u chose to start s*** like that

    Cause goofys don’t deserve respect
    Look at the posts on these page

  • Dec 15, 2021

    notice how it's quiet all of a sudden ?!

    bunch of pussies

    bruh what the hell u on right now lmaoo

  • Dec 15, 2021
    1 reply
    internet buddy

    I’d rather schools teach about how Irish and Italian and Jewish immigrants were persecuted when they first came to America and how they assimilated at the expense of black people

    what directly was the expense because i kinda follow what you were saying and all of them assimilated while black folks were still heavily segregated and treated as subhuman but

    what particularly do u have in mind

  • Dec 15, 2021

    The conservatives have spent decades usi fostering this double consciousness of “only we are telling the truth, despite what everyone else says”

    They did it with global warming and now they’re doing it with education.

  • Dec 15, 2021
    1 reply
    rnb sponge

    what directly was the expense because i kinda follow what you were saying and all of them assimilated while black folks were still heavily segregated and treated as subhuman but

    what particularly do u have in mind

    Nothing in particular cause literally everything they did, it was easier for them because even though they weren’t British or French white they still were white. Politics and law-enforcement I would say is the greatest sin in particular because most cops and local politicians in The north east were either Irish or Italian.

  • Dec 15, 2021
    internet buddy

    I’d rather schools teach about how Irish and Italian and Jewish immigrants were persecuted when they first came to America and how they assimilated at the expense of black people

    "assimilated at the expense of black people" is a really irrational way of putting it. like do you think there was like a meeting like in the Chappelle Show where they had a racial draft and whites picked italians and jews? the history is way more complicated than that. Italians were still being lynched during the civil rights era and no one ever talks about it; affirmative action in NYC was expanded to include italians (and still does) in the LATE 70S because even then italians were still being discriminated against in academics and hiring positions.

  • Dec 15, 2021
    internet buddy

    Nothing in particular cause literally everything they did, it was easier for them because even though they weren’t British or French white they still were white. Politics and law-enforcement I would say is the greatest sin in particular because most cops and local politicians in The north east were either Irish or Italian.

    the reason why the irish and italians in the northeast managed to assimilate into the legal system is literally because they forced their way into it systematically by taking advantage of the fact they were segregated and dominating all local trade professions like law-enforcement and local politicians, and forming under the table deals between the systematically legal areas (i.e. law enforcement) and the illegal cultural equivalent (irish gangs in Philly for example, or Italian Mob in NYC). There was no choice but to recognize them by the wider legal districts because of how powerful they become politically, which caused initially inter-cultural overlaps, the discrimination of which only died down decades if not more later due to these events setting cross-cultural exchanges into motion
    There were literally entire political movements in major cities that lobbied pro-immigration to import more italians/irish so they could rig the vote to expand districts and dominate political policy. Some of the earliest examples of a political machine in american history was based on mass-importing irish workers to overwhelm votes in urban districts. None of this was condoned by the wider white populations and was literally what lead to them being lynched in the first place or what lead to discriminatory local policies.
    Acting like the reason italians and irish were eventually accepted like literally 1-2 centuries later from their initial immigration periods was because other people were like "yeah guess they're white now" is literally not only ahistorical but even more of a skewed version of history than you're claiming to be trying to combat.

  • Dec 15, 2021

    you want radical ? let's get radical. and let's start right here on KTT. let's force everyone that ever used the despicable word that starts with N on this forum to take a picture of their forearm, make sure they're black.

    I'm down for this

  • Dec 15, 2021
    1 reply

    Conservatives all need to die

    [Meant it in a non threatening way sorry dont come for me ]

  • Dec 15, 2021

    What happened to facts over feelings?

  • Dec 15, 2021
    1 reply

    Well what is he trying to ban?

    The teaching of actual history such as slavery in this country?

    Or the new leftist dogma that the color of your skin inherently makes you oppressed or an oppressor?

    I don't know the details I'm genuinely curious.

    Because the later will only harm children's self esteem and make them feel like their future is decided before it's even started. Kids are smart, they understand there's unfairness in this world from their personal ives, they don't need some goofy teacher telling them their country hates them in 3rd grade.

  • Dec 15, 2021
    2 replies

    Well what is he trying to ban?

    The teaching of actual history such as slavery in this country?

    Or the new leftist dogma that the color of your skin inherently makes you oppressed or an oppressor?

    I don't know the details I'm genuinely curious.

    Because the later will only harm children's self esteem and make them feel like their future is decided before it's even started. Kids are smart, they understand there's unfairness in this world from their personal ives, they don't need some goofy teacher telling them their country hates them in 3rd grade.

    From what I’ve read, Critical Race Theory encapsulates that leftist dogma you referenced, in which case, I actually do not see the problem with keeping this s*** out of schools.

  • Dec 15, 2021

    Imagine quoting MLK while banning the history of race in America from being taught in schools Republicans are a different type of wicked

    CRT been around since the 80s and was originally used for criticizing legal studies. Outside of that it's a framework used by academics. K-12 kids aren't being taught this and anyone who believes they are is a dumbass.

  • Nessy 🦎
    Dec 15, 2021

    The word woke itself has been used by the right like crazy in the last 6 months they have their 2022 gimmick ready

  • Dec 15, 2021
    1 reply

    From what I’ve read, Critical Race Theory encapsulates that leftist dogma you referenced, in which case, I actually do not see the problem with keeping this s*** out of schools.

    You must’ve read some Ben Shapiro tweets

  • Dec 16, 2021
    3 replies
    internet buddy

    You must’ve read some Ben Shapiro tweets

    This is based off what I’ve read from a book called Woke Racism by John Mcwhorter

  • Dec 16, 2021
    1 reply

    This is based off what I’ve read from a book called Woke Racism by John Mcwhorter

    I hope you're trolling

  • Dec 16, 2021
    1 reply

    I hope you're trolling

    I’m not, I’m pretty uneducated on this matter in the grand scheme of things so maybe I shouldn’t have commented. That is a real book tho, came out recently and it’s a pretty good and short read

  • Dec 16, 2021
    1 reply

    just wait until this dude becomes president because hes going to

  • Dec 16, 2021

    I’m not, I’m pretty uneducated on this matter in the grand scheme of things so maybe I shouldn’t have commented. That is a real book tho, came out recently and it’s a pretty good and short read

    Is not a good read