“he flopped” “one hit wonder” meanwhile dude basically has an entire song to himself on a top 5 KANYE WEST album
Who else can even say that? I don’t care if he ever hits again this one achievement surpasses the careers of like 90% of the mid rappers that get gassed on this site. when your one hit is a f***in nuclear bomb you don’t need another to be considered a success
this a tlop thread
Kanye legit found this guy and straight up made a song on top of his song
Bro go hate and s***, I wish I participated on TLOP
Tlop really a classic sad yes last good album prob ever
poetic bc 2016 was the last good year prob ever
this a tlop thread
I will say Push f***ed up his career most likely but aye, dude kinda was mid to begin with. Sounded way too close to Future