But it's about time that we stop glorifying gang s***
Sick of seeing all these guys die for literally nothing
Also the street guys gotta know you can't go to somebody else's hood and start popping off
Mentioning Bieber is so damn random.
But he right.... However people have been saying this for decades and no one ever listens
i mean niggas dont have to hold hands and s*** but perhaps we (fans) should stop glorifying and glamorizing all this self destructive real street nigga s***
Lol stop whining nigga. Don’t blame consumers for CONSUMING.
why did he tag @JustinBieber
Bring back Fonzworth cameos in music videos
Because a rich white kid who was sheltered his entire life is such a great comparison
understand your point but JB is one of the few giant popstars who wasn't born into money
But it's about time that we stop glorifying gang s***
Sick of seeing all these guys die for literally nothing
Also the street guys gotta know you can't go to somebody else's hood and start popping off
That's the thing, nobody is "glorifying" anything
Are these guys are not allowed to speak on their lives and experiences? They put the music out and there isn't anything us as bystanders and consumers can really do to stop it. Even if you feel like not supporting it, it'll still be made.
Bieber is a pop star, not a rapper. Should have said Post, G Eazy or Machine Gun Criminal Punk Artist Kelly
But it's about time that we stop glorifying gang s***
Sick of seeing all these guys die for literally nothing
Also the street guys gotta know you can't go to somebody else's hood and start popping off
Not gonna happen. People still love it and labels make way more money if the gang members they signed get killed.