  • Nov 10, 2020
    1 reply

    Lmao they f***ed up again 🤣

  • Nov 11, 2020
    1 reply

    Lmao they f***ed up again 🤣


  • Nov 11, 2020

    Not even gonna be playable until this evening tbh

    oh damn lmfao

  • Nov 11, 2020
    2 replies


    it's actually good now i was playing for a few hours but you could not log on earlier lmao

    I get that we're in a panoramic but you think a company with as much experience bungie has with this you would expect them not to f*** up a launch

  • Nov 11, 2020

    it's actually good now i was playing for a few hours but you could not log on earlier lmao

    I get that we're in a panoramic but you think a company with as much experience bungie has with this you would expect them not to f*** up a launch

    it's to be expected tbh. happens with so many GaaS games. wasn't really that bad, especially compared to what shadowkeep's downtime was last year

  • Nov 11, 2020

    Downloading this now to play on XSX.

  • Nov 11, 2020
    1 reply

    it's actually good now i was playing for a few hours but you could not log on earlier lmao

    I get that we're in a panoramic but you think a company with as much experience bungie has with this you would expect them not to f*** up a launch

    lmfaoooo we in a panoramic

    lmk how this new expansion is tho, i’m debating on whether i should download it on my Xbox or wait for the next gen optimization

  • Nov 11, 2020

    bro the f***ing new subclass is so broken in pvp

  • Nov 11, 2020
    1 reply

    lmfaoooo we in a panoramic

    lmk how this new expansion is tho, i’m debating on whether i should download it on my Xbox or wait for the next gen optimization

    play yakuza and wait

    actually, when does the next gen optimization come out?

  • Nov 11, 2020
    1 reply

    play yakuza and wait

    actually, when does the next gen optimization come out?

    Lmaoo yo i’m deadass playing Yakuza 7 as we speak its supposed to be sometime in December

  • Nov 11, 2020
    1 reply

    Lmaoo yo i’m deadass playing Yakuza 7 as we speak its supposed to be sometime in December

    damn, that's a bit of a wait then. tbh, i'd prob play through yakuza and play d2 in a couple weeks to see how ppl ACTUALLY feel about the season when opinions aren't biased with hype

    yakuza has been great so far. really strong start imo


    this thread already ruined the small amount of excitement i had for beyond light

  • Nov 11, 2020

    damn, that's a bit of a wait then. tbh, i'd prob play through yakuza and play d2 in a couple weeks to see how ppl ACTUALLY feel about the season when opinions aren't biased with hype

    yakuza has been great so far. really strong start imo


    this thread already ruined the small amount of excitement i had for beyond light

    Aint played in ages but lmao, feel like everyone seen this s*** coming. Some people really tried to convince others that sunsetting would be a good thing too smh.

  • Nov 11, 2020

    The map is f***ing huge. A lot of explorable places that aren’t shown

  • Nov 11, 2020
    1 reply

    I didn’t grind at all now Phylaks kicking my ass.

  • SBMike

    I didn’t grind at all now Phylaks kicking my ass.

    yeah, just get as close to 1100 as possible

  • Nov 12, 2020
    4 replies

    bungie's actually braindead

  • Nov 12, 2020

    bungie's actually braindead

    I haven’t even tried PvP yet and know that s*** is broken

  • Nov 12, 2020

    PvE and Strikes have been real buggy for me. No way am I gonna touch Survival.

  • Nov 12, 2020
    1 reply

    Moon loot is still capped at 1060 even after the expansion

    You still gotta pay $30 for Shadowkeep

  • Nov 12, 2020

    bungie's actually braindead

  • Nov 12, 2020
    1 reply

    Moon loot is still capped at 1060 even after the expansion

    You still gotta pay $30 for Shadowkeep

    not if you on Xbox

  • Nov 12, 2020
    1 reply

    bungie's actually braindead

    ice wizard is fuuun though I sat down to do a bit of the campaign and I ended up blasting through the whole thing cause the little tease they gave you had me wanting more

  • Nov 12, 2020
    1 reply

    not if you on Xbox

    The loot is still capped at 1060

    Basically worthless. The only thing worth doing on the moon now is the raid or to do the dungeon for the prisms.

  • Nov 12, 2020

    The loot is still capped at 1060

    Basically worthless. The only thing worth doing on the moon now is the raid or to do the dungeon for the prisms.

    na that’s facts tho, lot of those places been dead before the update too

  • Nov 12, 2020

    ice wizard is fuuun though I sat down to do a bit of the campaign and I ended up blasting through the whole thing cause the little tease they gave you had me wanting more

    not gonna say the subclasses aren't fun or cool because they're pretty damn sick. they are just not balanced at all for pvp.
