  • Feb 10, 2021
    1 reply

    This season looks like its better than last. Might try to hit the level cap this time.

  • Feb 10, 2021

    This season looks like its better than last. Might try to hit the level cap this time.

    I hate powerleveling man i just wanna do trials

  • Feb 10, 2021

    @wes that new trials cloak for hunter is lethal

  • Feb 20, 2021

    they need to increase the drop rates of the playlist weapons man. its bad enough them s***s got 12 perks per slot.

    got a god rolled palindrome today. killing wind + rampage. too bad crucible is booty outside of 3v3. 6v6 is pure donkey s*** right now

  • Feb 25, 2021
    3 replies


    Sunsetting cancelled, witch queen delayed

  • Feb 25, 2021
    1 reply


    Sunsetting cancelled, witch queen delayed

    damn, they actually did it. honestly very surprised at that. seems like they're trying to make the game good with a lot of these changes. still don't trust them to have the competence to pull it off, but we'll see how it goes

    took them HOW look to decide to remove emotes & swords w/ no ammo in trials??

  • Feb 25, 2021
    1 reply

    damn, they actually did it. honestly very surprised at that. seems like they're trying to make the game good with a lot of these changes. still don't trust them to have the competence to pull it off, but we'll see how it goes

    took them HOW look to decide to remove emotes & swords w/ no ammo in trials??

    I played trials last weekend for the new hc and the amount of 3p and cheaters was insane

    Thank god their finally doing something

  • Feb 25, 2021
    1 reply


    Sunsetting cancelled, witch queen delayed

    DAAMN lmao that’s huge

    I didn’t necessarily disagree with sunsetting but it was implemented horrendously. Wonder what their solution for power creep will be, esp since we know now that Lightfall won’t be the last destiny expansion.

  • Feb 25, 2021


    Sunsetting cancelled, witch queen delayed

    Of course they reverse sunsetting after getting rid of all the good s***

  • Feb 25, 2021
    1 reply

    I played trials last weekend for the new hc and the amount of 3p and cheaters was insane

    Thank god their finally doing something

    that new hc looks insane man. you get a decent roll on it? i'd go for it, but that'd require me to actually hop on d2

    might play in the upcoming weeks based on all this new info though

  • Feb 25, 2021
    1 reply

    that new hc looks insane man. you get a decent roll on it? i'd go for it, but that'd require me to actually hop on d2

    might play in the upcoming weeks based on all this new info though

    Oh its insane, i use empowering rift and it has insane range so all i do is two tap people. That gun is worth grinding for. Plus the trials armor is dope

    And na thats with a very average roll. The worst part was grinding to 1300

  • Feb 25, 2021
    2 replies

    DAAMN lmao that’s huge

    I didn’t necessarily disagree with sunsetting but it was implemented horrendously. Wonder what their solution for power creep will be, esp since we know now that Lightfall won’t be the last destiny expansion.

    The expansion after Lightfall ends the first Destiny saga of Light vs Dark.

    I wonder what they even go for the next saga, how can you top the darkness as a villain

  • Feb 25, 2021

    The expansion after Lightfall ends the first Destiny saga of Light vs Dark.

    I wonder what they even go for the next saga, how can you top the darkness as a villain

  • Feb 25, 2021

    I excited for the future tbh, glad there is no more unnecessary season to season power grind

  • Feb 25, 2021
    1 reply

    Oh its insane, i use empowering rift and it has insane range so all i do is two tap people. That gun is worth grinding for. Plus the trials armor is dope

    And na thats with a very average roll. The worst part was grinding to 1300

    might hop on and try to get that hc from gambit while trying to level to the cap, and just use that until i get the trials one. though i'm not even sure if it's worth it since it's gambit + honestly don't know if it's top tier in the meta or not. haven't really been keeping an eye on it besides seeing things here and there.

  • Feb 25, 2021
    2 replies

    The expansion after Lightfall ends the first Destiny saga of Light vs Dark.

    I wonder what they even go for the next saga, how can you top the darkness as a villain

    What exactly is the darkness again? I haven't played in a minute

    is it a literally force or some s*** I never payed attention was just shooting stuff

  • Feb 25, 2021
    1 reply

    might hop on and try to get that hc from gambit while trying to level to the cap, and just use that until i get the trials one. though i'm not even sure if it's worth it since it's gambit + honestly don't know if it's top tier in the meta or not. haven't really been keeping an eye on it besides seeing things here and there.

    The hc drop rate from gambit is awful, better to try hit 1300 and get the trials one next time its dropping

  • Feb 25, 2021

    The hc drop rate from gambit is awful, better to try hit 1300 and get the trials one next time its dropping

    word, guess i'll start playing d2 again soon

  • Feb 25, 2021

    was glad i was able to scoop the luxe ornaments for hunter & warlock though. s*** is still some of the best looking armors in game

  • Feb 26, 2021
    1 reply

    About to jump back on this with the PS5. Where the clans at

  • Feb 26, 2021
    1 reply

    About to jump back on this with the PS5. Where the clans at

    Imagine not playing on pc

  • Feb 26, 2021

    What exactly is the darkness again? I haven't played in a minute

    is it a literally force or some s*** I never payed attention was just shooting stuff

    Idek tbh

  • Feb 26, 2021

    Imagine not playing on pc

    Pc niggas kill me, congrats bro.

  • Nuja 🫶🏾
    Feb 26, 2021

    Next Gen D2 an experience. Made me love the game so much more than I already did

  • Feb 26, 2021
    1 reply

    What exactly is the darkness again? I haven't played in a minute

    is it a literally force or some s*** I never payed attention was just shooting stuff

    Something to do with Savathun i think. she's supposed to be the witch queen.
