crazy that when you take time off from this game you forget that it has the undisputed greatest gunplay oat
destiny just does shooting things better than anyone else
lmfao naaaaaa
Supposedly they're announcing it on Tuesday since it's the same day as the Xbox event. They did say it was coming 2021.
Edit: Also there was a picture in one of the recent TWABs showing the Windows store icon next to someone's name. So it might be happening next week/next season.
There is a bungie employee who verified himself with destinyleak discord mods
He leaked the storyline for Lightfall and Sunspot
Season with witch queen will be about a rogue lightbearer who hunts ghosts
Subclass coming in WQ and will be as big as TTK
Idk if i believe him tho but the mods do, he provided proof. I wont say anymore spoilers unless u want em tho. Just gave basic storyline of who we face
There is a bungie employee who verified himself with destinyleak discord mods
He leaked the storyline for Lightfall and Sunspot
Season with witch queen will be about a rogue lightbearer who hunts ghosts
Subclass coming in WQ and will be as big as TTK
Idk if i believe him tho but the mods do, he provided proof. I wont say anymore spoilers unless u want em tho. Just gave basic storyline of who we face
Lmao people are just bandwagoning at this point.
I'm good on leaks from now on. At this rate there won't be any surprises left for the next two years.
Damn it I just got a big one spoiled @bejewelry
Which one spoil it
Zavala dying
Zavala dying
Where did u read it, he said that in the discord but tbh im skeptical if this guy is legit
it will happen at the final season of Witch Queen where the witness comes on the last day gonna be a live event apparently
Damn it I just got a big one spoiled @bejewelry
That leaker was fake btw
That leaker was fake btw
Alright good lol
@safe can u make me op for this thread
Can’t switch OPs but if you make a new one I’ll lock this one
I don’t care about the story of this game at all tbh I just want GOOD GRINDABLE CONTENT
2021 and PVP still gives more progress for bounties and quests
Man nobody wanna play that s*** stop trolling
I got work and I might not be able to watch the reveal
Working from home tomorrow
The leak stays winning. Still hyped though
Ok this got me hype
witch queen page was posted on ps store. releasing feb 22, 2022. also further confirming the pastebin is legit
witch queen page was posted on ps store. releasing feb 22, 2022. also further confirming the pastebin is legit
Sony stay leaking s*** smh