I give up on trying to complete all the seasonal challenges every season. S*** just feels like a chore at this point.
If you take even a couple weeks off from the game, you're f***ed
I give up on trying to complete all the seasonal challenges every season. S*** just feels like a chore at this point.
If you take even a couple weeks off from the game, you're f***ed
This one of the worst seasons. I grinded for the crafted beloved/austringer, dungeon was good and hit lvl 100 cuz seasonal ornaments r gas now im done lol
This one of the worst seasons. I grinded for the crafted beloved/austringer, dungeon was good and hit lvl 100 cuz seasonal ornaments r gas now im done lol
Facts, I mostly just get on and do the story quest every week and that's about it.
This one of the worst seasons. I grinded for the crafted beloved/austringer, dungeon was good and hit lvl 100 cuz seasonal ornaments r gas now im done lol
that’s every season for me
never stuff to do
that’s every season for me
never stuff to do
Same tbh, but this season extra bad cuz the event is a fkn public event
Same tbh, but this season extra bad cuz the event is a fkn public event
S*** is so boring bruh
And of course they tied like half the seasonal challenges to it.
The one where you have to collect 75 world chests on the Leviathan is just a joke since you only get 2 per run
finally got a calus mini tool crafted, beloved next. had austringer crafted for awhile but dont know which perks i want for PVP
Last 2 seasons haven't been great tbh. Last season benefitted from the expansion being launched and other content being available.
They should have just opened all of Leviathan up with its past content and raids. I was hoping that was the case to possibly get some things done that I never did.
If the next raid for season 18 isnt kings fall, I’m done with this game
Its confirmed KF
LF reveal so so soon
Based on the leaks I read:
Neptune destination
New friendly race will give us Strand (new subclass)
Witness crashes a Pyramid on the Traveler
Raid takes place inside the dimension of the Traveler
Tryna figure out who tf is the woman (robot) beside the Witness in this pic
Im guessing new friendly race, maybe human form of Traveler
Oh this looks HARD