  • Jun 8, 2020
    1 reply

    i'd def get felwinter's lie if you didn't grab it, especially w/ the weapon sunsetting that'll be happening. thank god it didn't take long

    I was gonna just let the people do it for me until I realized you gotta get the shotgun kills yourself

  • Jun 8, 2020

    Dawg you need 1000 kills and I'm at 1%

  • Jun 8, 2020
    1 reply

    I was gonna just let the people do it for me until I realized you gotta get the shotgun kills yourself

    i just did the whisper mission farm. tethered the enemies w/ orpheus rig. got it done in 30 min or so?

    i figure even if i don't play in the next season or two, i'll have a damn near god rolled shotgun for pvp. my mindbender's is real solid, but i think that'll be going away soonish.

  • Jun 8, 2020
    2 replies

    Crazy how Trials was the big thing this season and now no one even talks about it

  • Jun 8, 2020

    Crazy how Trials was the big thing this season and now no one even talks about it

    It suffers the same problem as every other end game activity, which is no loot incentive

  • Jun 8, 2020

    Yeah most likely. I don't have high hopes for the fall though. Starting to feel like Bungie just doesn't have enough manpower by themselves to put out enough content

    Bro have u seen the teasers

    Stranger from D1 back.

    I got high hopes, trailers looked high quality

  • Jun 8, 2020

    Crazy how Trials was the big thing this season and now no one even talks about it

    It was free too

    I got my Flawless title and logged on for felwinters and dipped

  • Jun 8, 2020

    i just did the whisper mission farm. tethered the enemies w/ orpheus rig. got it done in 30 min or so?

    i figure even if i don't play in the next season or two, i'll have a damn near god rolled shotgun for pvp. my mindbender's is real solid, but i think that'll be going away soonish.

    Went ahead and got it done using this method. That was easier than I thought Goat perks on this thing

  • Jun 8, 2020


  • Jun 8, 2020
    1 reply

    despite the joke of this past season, i'm interested to see what they're gonna reveal tomorrow. their silence on this makes me more hopeful, but i'm gonna have to see it to believe it

  • Jun 8, 2020
    1 reply

    despite the joke of this past season, i'm interested to see what they're gonna reveal tomorrow. their silence on this makes me more hopeful, but i'm gonna have to see it to believe it

    I never got 2 cuz I got TOO finessed by Bungie with the first game’s half a campaign, please buy DLC to finish the story bullshit but the gameplay mechanics and multiplayer were solid. Didn’t realize this game even has seasons until I saw this thread title just now I guess people still play this?

  • Jun 8, 2020
    1 reply

    I never got 2 cuz I got TOO finessed by Bungie with the first game’s half a campaign, please buy DLC to finish the story bullshit but the gameplay mechanics and multiplayer were solid. Didn’t realize this game even has seasons until I saw this thread title just now I guess people still play this?

    the seasons got introduced when the game went f2p back in october. though the game is still really popular. think it's usually within the top 10-15 games played on steam, and it's prob towards the top on consoles.

    but yeah man, you're smart by staying away lol. there's some great periods to play (fall expansions), but bungie ends up fumbling for most of the other times

  • Jun 8, 2020
    1 reply

    the seasons got introduced when the game went f2p back in october. though the game is still really popular. think it's usually within the top 10-15 games played on steam, and it's prob towards the top on consoles.

    but yeah man, you're smart by staying away lol. there's some great periods to play (fall expansions), but bungie ends up fumbling for most of the other times

    Yeh Y3 taught me to buy fall expansion but never the deluxe so i aint pre-ordering season passes anymore

  • Jun 8, 2020

    Yeh Y3 taught me to buy fall expansion but never the deluxe so i aint pre-ordering season passes anymore

    for that reason, i hate that i enjoy this series

  • Jun 8, 2020
    1 reply

    Bought this game awhile ago and lost disc so I'm redownloading and playing from beginning is that possible?

  • Jun 8, 2020

    Bought this game awhile ago and lost disc so I'm redownloading and playing from beginning is that possible?

    kinda. normally you'd just be able to make a new character and do the story. though since the game went f2p, the changed how the
    story quests are handled, and it's a mess from what i've seen. i believe you have to go to holliday in the hanger to do those quests?

    i'd look up a story missions guide for new light players and go from there.

  • Jun 8, 2020
    1 reply

    new season looks to be called season of the arrivals

  • Jun 8, 2020

    new season looks to be called season of the arrivals

    I got no hopes for the season tbh, Fall is when the content and big changes come.

  • Jun 8, 2020
    1 reply

    This is so fire, the music reminds me of D1. Hoping the expansion is like Taken King or Forsaken size

  • Jun 8, 2020
    1 reply

    This is so fire, the music reminds me of D1. Hoping the expansion is like Taken King or Forsaken size

    with them revealing the season info an hour before it launches, it's got me more interested than i should be

    though i cannot wrap my mind around them having such a dogshit season then doing an absolute 180 and have the next one being insane.

  • Jun 9, 2020

    Getting hype for new trailers > actually playing the content. Always

  • Jun 9, 2020

    with them revealing the season info an hour before it launches, it's got me more interested than i should be

    though i cannot wrap my mind around them having such a dogshit season then doing an absolute 180 and have the next one being insane.

    Fr. Its either next season is also s***, and revealing alongside fall expac people are just gonna be hyped for fall, or its actually good.

    They did say in s11 everything comes together so lets see

  • Jun 9, 2020
    1 reply

    Apparently it's fake :(

  • Jun 9, 2020
    2 replies

    Apparently it's fake :(

    yeah just seen that i deleted it
