New game in development:
New game cancelled:
Message from Adam Jensen (well his VA Elias) about the cancellation
Hey all.
Elias Toufexis here.
I wanted to come on here and say thank you for this page, your wonderful messages over the years, and your continued, unbelievably strong support.
As for Jensen, we say goodbye, but hopefully not farewell. Maybe someone else will buy the license. Maybe we'll make an animated series or finish the game. Elon Musk is a big fan, I think he has some money. Someone ask him! ;)
As you guys all know, Jensen is one of the characters I've played who is near and dear to my heart. It seems I will always be associated with him and that's just fine with me.
Alas, his story seems done. I'm relatively certain the game that was canceled was not an Adam Jensen story, so the cancellation angers me more than anything else because friends at Eidos got laid off. Video game companies right now are in a weird place. I hope it gets straightened out.
Again, I just wanted to thank you all for the time you've spent sending fan art, stories, and general messages of love. The amount of CAMEO appearances I've had to make solely for Jensen fans makes my heart smile.
I hope you like the other work I'm fortunate enough to put out there, but I know that whatever the character is, he won't mean as much as Adam Jensen does to a lot of you... and to me.
For the love and support? I asked for this.
I hope this game is on the same level as Deus Ex: HR at least. I don't think they'll ever match the depth/groundbreaking nature of the first game but you never know
Just hope they don't half-bake it like they did Mankind Divided. Great game in the series still but it needed a little more time in development
i bought all of these games as a bundle can’t wait to actually play them
just got to finish some other games before
That’s 5 years
We’ve been waiting 7 years already so 4-5 more years isn’t that crazy
I hope this game is on the same level as Deus Ex: HR at least. I don't think they'll ever match the depth/groundbreaking nature of the first game but you never know
Just hope they don't half-bake it like they did Mankind Divided. Great game in the series still but it needed a little more time in development
Was just about to post this. So f***ing lame man. Here’s hoping a small company who actually cares about the franchise can acquire the rights and make a proper reboot.
f*** this year is gonna be brutal with the layoffs, I feel for all those involved
can't wait to see the generic trash all these legendary ips get turned into because they laid off all the creative talent
Can’t have a thread about one of the greatest series of all time be so depressing, so I’m gonna try to revive this thread by posting my experiences playing through the whole series.
Starting with Deus Ex (2000). Never played this before but unsurprisingly it’s a great immersive sim, human rev and mankind divided are classics to me so it’s cool to finally learn where it all started. This must’ve been mindblowing back in 2000 because of how much choice you have in the gameplay and narrative, or at least it feels that way, not sure if my choices will matter in the end but I don’t want to look it up and spoil anything. Just finished Hong Kong and seems like I’m heading to Paris soon