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  • Feb 12, 2020

    man's name is no where near any of the articles... they always find a way to stay out the light

  • Feb 12, 2020
    1 reply

    stay woke

  • Feb 12, 2020
    1 reply

    Drake took out X, he spiked Peep and set up Kodak so he's never freed

  • Feb 12, 2020
    1 reply

    A high level d*** dealer was arrested in Toronto, and reportedly has close connections to Travis Savoury, a.k.a. Baka Not Nice. The unidentified male was under oath while being interrogated and mentioned the name of super-star Canadian rapper Drake on multiple occasions, and even claimed that the rapper was a key figure inside a "Mafia" family operating in Toronto and throughout other Canadian provinces. The following are direct quotes from the un-named asset: (01/07/2020)
    "Drake is approaching Capo status in a very exclusive, violent organization, meaning he'll be able to greenlight almost anyone.... Chubbs and Baka are his main enforcers, but they have so many street shooters it's ridiculous. They've hurt people before and have gotten away with it.
    Nobody knows the identity of the main Boss, but we know he's had multiple meetings with J. Prince and their sons are even friends. Drake is their celebrity figurehead and they've given him permission to order beatings and extortion, even hits, but hits would need a direct greenlight from the Boss, whose name I won't speak. But, Drake has gotten that greenlight in the past, from what I understand."

  • Feb 12, 2020

    Of course, he's bragged about it numerous times

  • Feb 12, 2020
    2 replies

    No, only Drake stans who take the mob boss stuff seriously and crazy X stans think that.

  • Feb 12, 2020


    Dude just didn’t know how to behave himself and eventually was caught slipping

  • Feb 12, 2020
  • Mob Ties

  • Feb 12, 2020
    1 reply

    SMS, triple X
    That's the only time I ever shoot below the neck (Skrr)
    Why you keep on shootin' if you know that nigga dead? (Skrr)
    That's the only kind of s*** that gets you some respect

  • 666 💢
    Feb 12, 2020

    if he did he a legend for it

  • Feb 12, 2020
    1 reply

    Mob Boss King Slime Drizzy Corleone

  • Feb 12, 2020

    Probably not but I’m sure he doesn’t mind people saying he did

  • HURRY UP sab 🧔🏻
    Feb 12, 2020

    did op really graduate middle school as a 16 year old?

  • Feb 12, 2020

    Sicko mode vid proves it

  • Feb 12, 2020

    probably not but stranger things have happened in rap

  • Feb 12, 2020
    1 reply

    dude can't even close the right eye when fake shooting you think he can murk someone?

  • Feb 12, 2020

    stay woke

  • Feb 12, 2020
    1 reply

    dude can't even close the right eye when fake shooting you think he can murk someone?

    A***yzing the body motions of another man to this degree

  • Feb 12, 2020
    Durag Jesus

    A high level d*** dealer was arrested in Toronto, and reportedly has close connections to Travis Savoury, a.k.a. Baka Not Nice. The unidentified male was under oath while being interrogated and mentioned the name of super-star Canadian rapper Drake on multiple occasions, and even claimed that the rapper was a key figure inside a "Mafia" family operating in Toronto and throughout other Canadian provinces. The following are direct quotes from the un-named asset: (01/07/2020)
    "Drake is approaching Capo status in a very exclusive, violent organization, meaning he'll be able to greenlight almost anyone.... Chubbs and Baka are his main enforcers, but they have so many street shooters it's ridiculous. They've hurt people before and have gotten away with it.
    Nobody knows the identity of the main Boss, but we know he's had multiple meetings with J. Prince and their sons are even friends. Drake is their celebrity figurehead and they've given him permission to order beatings and extortion, even hits, but hits would need a direct greenlight from the Boss, whose name I won't speak. But, Drake has gotten that greenlight in the past, from what I understand."

  • Feb 12, 2020
    1 reply

    A***yzing the body motions of another man to this degree

    I'm a body motion historian

  • Feb 12, 2020

    Him and the Migos joint effort

    Drake green lighted tho

  • Feb 12, 2020
    1 reply

    Yes it has been known drizzy has many shooters that are willing to do anything papi commands... In reality he is a cutthroat kingpin

  • Feb 12, 2020

    Mob Boss King Slime Drizzy Corleone

  • Feb 12, 2020

    I'm a body motion historian

    That’s the only time it’s correct, then

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