Why would a leaker want people who illegally downloaded the album to buy it?
Why was the file it shared in called "please buy this s*** man"?
How could have a leaker obtained a copy with 320 .m4a files, when the album was posted on tidal with 256 .m4a files?
Could all this be coincidence?
If you’ve been to yandhileaks or the Kanye Reddit page it’s not hard to believe some Ye Stan did it
It’s like a Christian going to confession after spanking their genitals
Obviously a weirdo ye stan lol
This has been a widely pondered theory since 2016 lol it’s not something somebody just decided all of a sudden
If the files are true 320 then it’s gotta be the case
This has been a widely pondered theory since 2016 lol it’s not something somebody just decided all of a sudden
If the files are true 320 then it’s gotta be the case
Nah it doesn’t lol. Kanye doesn’t even know what a kbps is
The same people who came up with that theory are the same nerds who would do some s*** like this lol
The photo is clearly reddit
If you’ve been to yandhileaks or the Kanye Reddit page it’s not hard to believe some Ye Stan did it
It’s like a Christian going to confession after spanking their genitals
you gotta keep in mind this happened well before leak culture was a thing
the main points working towards kanye (or someone on his camp) leaking this are
-Being 320kbps where all the TIDAL rips were either 256kbps or FLAC
-Being encoded with Dolby Media Generator 3.8.3 which apparently is only available through Dolby directly
-Last modified about an hour before TIDAL release dropped.
Honestly the first and last points are easy to debunk but if that middle one is true then it most likely came internally. Though I highly doubt it was Kanye himself who leaked it
Yeezus to TLOP era GOATed
It was a fun ride when it was actually coming out but those years were hell
always thought it was someone off ktt who did that
you might be confusing this for itsFREAKS.zip which was a collection of Pablo demos a ktt user leaked a week after TLOP came out
he did it just so he could drop that a million illegally downloaded bar on saint pablo
Entirely possible because Kanye really didn't care about album sales since it was a TIDAL streaming exclusive at first
Yeezus to TLOP era GOATed
Imagine feel bad for you kids who didn’t witness Grad-808s-MBDTF-WTT in 5 years. Now that was an era
Imagine feel bad for you kids who didn’t witness Grad-808s-MBDTF-WTT in 5 years. Now that was an era
I wasn’t apart of any online music communities when those came out, so they just kinda came out for me? I didn’t follow Kanye closely or anything
idk but thank god they leaked OG Wolves
that wasn't apart of this
i was always under the assumption he (meaning his team) assisted in leaking the OG Pablo files that came about a week after we heard the album. idk about this one tho. all of its up in the air really
There was a weird interest in the piracy of this album back then tho that even Kanye mentioned and looked at so i wouldn't put it out of the possibility
Imagine feel bad for you kids who didn’t witness Grad-808s-MBDTF-WTT in 5 years. Now that was an era
Man I wish I was a Kanye stan during mbdtf. I only became a general fan then, and then became a stan for yeezus. First got onto ye during graduation though with daft punk feature
i was always under the assumption he (meaning his team) assisted in leaking the OG Pablo files that came about a week after we heard the album. idk about this one tho. all of its up in the air really
There was a weird interest in the piracy of this album back then tho that even Kanye mentioned and looked at so i wouldn't put it out of the possibility
are you talking about the demos that leaked? if so no way kanye team had involvement in that. the zip with them also had some fakes in it
are you talking about the demos that leaked? if so no way kanye team had involvement in that. the zip with them also had some fakes in it
yeah i saw your earlier comment after i posted. i had only registered on KTT for like a couple days at that point so i never knew who released it. and i def remember not only fakes but stuff that had already been out.