s*** really isnt on the billboard at ALL
crazy flop
These the kinda posters desecrating this section man
What a shame
Havent even listened to the new song and i can tell you its f***ing s***
Odds are in my favour
These the kinda posters desecrating this section man
What a shame
you just want us to lie to you fam
i was in the drake thread yesterday
never said it was trash just said overall opinion was it is mid
Bro what you saying?
I’m saying music section drake section G&G section we all vibing
This ain’t about the quality of a drake song
s*** really isnt on the billboard at ALL
crazy flop
damn drake couldnt even survive 2020
s*** really isnt on the billboard at ALL
crazy flop
Tbh this the best song he dropped in a minute. If drake never charts again but makes dope songs like this I’m 100000000000% cool with it.
Just to prove to these fake ass fans that quality has never meant how much someone charts
That’s true OP, just enough with the embarrassing threads man
Have some decency and stop making us all look bad for gods sake
Some people actually want this site to have some credibility
These the kinda posters desecrating this section man
What a shame
mans said like music sxn was a good place once
it was turning into r/hhh on the last 2-3 years of ktt and with the shift of ktt2 and open registration it's fully r/hhh fantano now
Imagine watching a music video
And thinking
The consumerism in this video bothers me
Let me go to KTT2 and complain about it
Literally serial killer behavior
this true
but god damn making a thread on a thread is hella corny
Drake was trying to look like Muhammad Ali, but he's looking more like E Honda
E-Honda a legend. He got the hands
they hating from outside the club, Drake fans are most successful people I know
tough not to be successful when an idol of yours is the most successful
Imagine watching a music video
And thinking
The consumerism in this video bothers me
Let me go to KTT2 and complain about it
Literally serial killer behavior
Damn guess discussing music-related things on a music forum is serial killer behavior that’s crazy
These the kinda posters desecrating this section man
What a shame
You was saying the same s*** about ...
You know what nvm, you'll never be self aware enough to realise how hypocritical you are