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  • demo

    this website has some dumbass users ngl

  • Aug 27, 2021
    1 reply

    He was quiet and chill

    What do you mean?

    thats even more spooky

  • do NOT do this bullshit man. F*** u for this. U are painting a black man as f***ing unhinged yet complain when white blogs do it. U should feel like absolute shut right now. U want attention this bad? F*** u until u apologize and delete this s***

  • Aug 27, 2021

    thats even more spooky


    Grow up, Manson is not spooky, he is a old chubby man that wears makeup and he dont even play black metal, death metal or s*** like that, he is pop

  • Oblivion X

    Difference between extorting/blackmail and sacrificing a human for gain

    Humans are just numbers on a spreadsheet to the elite

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