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  • or did quarantine had us bored out our mind and we just needed something to do?

    as sad as this death was, this lowkey happens everyday around the world. was it necessary for tiimmy turner, nah. did it make 2020 worst than it already was, yuh.

  • Jan 21
    2 replies

    Lock thread

  • Jan 21
    1 reply

  • Nort 💫
    Jan 21


  • Saturday

  • Jan 21
    2 replies

    dawg stfu

  • Jan 21

    dawg stfu

  • Jan 21
    1 reply

    21-7 Ohio state right now at the half, ND better pick it up offensively and contain will howard if they wanna come back in this game

  • Goldmenace

    21-7 Ohio state right now at the half, ND better pick it up offensively and contain will howard if they wanna come back in this game

    They gotta start playing zone instead of man

  • Yes and anyone who says no fell for right wing propaganda over the years

  • Stanley Kiest

    Lock thread

  • Making this thread on MLK day

    Op ain't slick smh

  • Site turning to garbage

  • we gonna kill and disembody you timmy turner

  • Himothee

    dawg stfu

  • “this lowkey happens everyday around the world.”

    And that makes it okay for what Derek Chauvin did?

  • Jan 21
    2 replies

    "If something bad happens all the time it isn't a big deal and we shouldn't do anything about it" is how we end up living in hell on earth

  • Stanley Kiest

    Lock thread

  • Noir

    "If something bad happens all the time it isn't a big deal and we shouldn't do anything about it" is how we end up living in hell on earth

  • Nah we need to send a message now & then to keep them folk on thier toes

  • "Did we protest the tragic death of a man from unjustified and excessive use of force because we cared, or were we just bored?"

    That's the op.

  • dont make anymore threads like this again

  • tiimmyturner

    or did quarantine had us bored out our mind and we just needed something to do?

    as sad as this death was, this lowkey happens everyday around the world. was it necessary for tiimmy turner, nah. did it make 2020 worst than it already was, yuh.


    it wasn't JUST about George Floyd

    it was about Ahmad Audrey, Breonna Taylor, Freddie Grey, Tamir Rice, Treyvon Martin, Sandra Bland, as well as George.

    it's a shame we didn't focus our efforts more on Breonna (tho Breonna's Law did get passed) in terms of optics...but people were always gonna s*** on George even though there's that video.

    Yes we did right. We coulda done more/and gave more to mutual aid as opposed to a centralized organization that wasted that money, but alas you live and you learn.

  • honestly ban OP if he's not making a s***ty joke rn

  • Noir

    "If something bad happens all the time it isn't a big deal and we shouldn't do anything about it" is how we end up living in hell on earth

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