Chitlins are nasty and literal slave n segregation food (peasant starved food for Chinese) we do not have to eat that s*** anymore
It stinks, taste like how it smells & its texture is ass
Literally no reason to eat it when you cam get turkey and chiken easy and relatively cheap
I have no nostalgia or comfort with that bullshit - unfortunately the smell is burned in mind forever
Hasn’t worked out well considering the massive exit financial institutions have made in China
if u clean it right nothing 2 trip over tho
ngl tho the chinese place i tried it at did not run that properly sht did leave an aftertaste of cheeks lol
U ate the poo poo?!
U ate the poo poo?!
U said they didn't clean it good and the poop left an aftertaste
No way buster those are your words
You ate poopoo
Case closed
U said they didn't clean it good and the poop left an aftertaste
No way buster those are your words
You ate poopoo
Case closed
U said they didn't clean it good and the poop left an aftertaste
No way buster those are your words
You ate poopoo
Case closed
i ate chitlin fool
i ate chitlin fool
U just said u tasted the poopoo man
yea but i didn't eat poopoo
It still has the seasoning on there
who r u the poopoo police
I'm keeping ktt poopoo eating free
I'm keeping ktt poopoo eating free
i never ate no f***in poopoo i had chitlin
i never ate no f***in poopoo i had chitlin
Poopoo flavored
U probably went back and asked for extra poopoo next time
Poopoo flavored
U probably went back and asked for extra poopoo next time
2024 everybody eating doodoo