legalizing marijuana one of america’s worst decision
For those who think life is unfair
'Cause I blow my smoke in the air
As if no one is standin' there
Then I'll roll one tonight, for your sorrows
It’s a K and a T for the first letter of first name and last letter of last name
The t is obviously a t, it’s just slanted
The k is only the top half of a K, only the part at the top with a dip
So it’s kt
mods ban this nigga
I need Kanye to write his signature on an 8th baggie
It’s a K and a T for the first letter of first name and last letter of last name
The t is obviously a t, it’s just slanted
The k is only the top half of a K, only the part at the top with a dip
So it’s kt
That s*** look like a Z & A
I need Kanye to write his signature on an 8th baggie
I explained it to you above
I need Kanye to write his signature on an 8th baggie
The right side of the signature has a | and a — that over lap each other. That’s a lower case t
The — in the t just happens to also over lap with the top half of the connecting k, making it look like an A
not displaying evidence for this question is pure chaos
I posted evidence
The right side of the signature has a | and a — that over lap each other. That’s a lower case t
The — in the t just happens to also over lap with the top half of the connecting k, making it look like an A
I see the T now, but If your telling me that Z is a K, Kanye must be lazy as f***.
legalizing marijuana one of america’s worst decision
Lmao yeah sure that's the one