i used to live with this russian dude who was from the caucasus mountains. he used to get mad all the time when white americans would treat him funny or inferior and in his strong russian accent yell "WHO TF DO THESE WHITE PPL THINK THEY ARE!!! HOW DARE THEY LOOK DOWN ON ME!! YOU CALL YOURSELF CAUCASIAN??? NO IM THE TRUE CAUCASIAN!! I AM ORIGINAL CAUCASIAN!!"
just thought id share since i saw a bunch of yall questioning nick canon last night ignorantly saying "why the f*** is he talking about mountains hurr hurr"
like yeah....where do yall think the term "caucasian" came from....ijs
I thought it was from caucasoid
I used to think so too but that’s not based on real science.
I mean he wasnt wrong about people’s pigments changing due to environment, but he was wrong about almost everything else lol
what are you trying to say with that picture
That people who actually live in the caucus region aren't John from Utah. It's actually a very diverse region with tons of ethnic enclaves.