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  • Jan 9, 2021
    1 reply

    imagine ever smoking

  • Jan 9, 2021

    i smoke twice as much weed because of covid

  • Jan 9, 2021

    Imagine being such a p****
    I’m smoking twice the amount I did in January

    Cause stopping smoking makes you a p**** smh

  • Jan 9, 2021

    i smoke twice as much weed because of covid

  • Jan 9, 2021
    1 reply

    I stopped taking meds for my bpd about two months ago... Always been a smoker but I finish a zip in 2 days now. I had to stop smoking cause my plug was living too well off me.

    Y’all got Bi polar and smoking hella weed? Jesus Christ that can be a recipe for disaster

  • Jan 9, 2021

    the smoking chambers at airports are so f***ing disgusting
    you cant even breath in them and you come out after 3 minutes smelling like a whole ass ashtray

    imagine what the cleaners have to deal with the thought just grosses me out man

  • Jan 9, 2021

    I hadn’t smoked weed all year last year

    First time I am smoking weed since New Year’s Eve 2019

  • Jan 9, 2021

    no i didnt and im not planning on it
    i started smoking less cigarettes because of the strength of the current ones but i’ll go back to filters after i finish these 2 cartons, so back to a pack/pack n half a day

  • Jan 9, 2021
    1 reply
    Side Nigha

    Y’all got Bi polar and smoking hella weed? Jesus Christ that can be a recipe for disaster

    Actually no, why tf do people actually think that? The biggest problem it pose is being a crutch... I'm bpd which mean I'm not bipolar, I actually have some control over my emotions. Weed's not going to make you kill yourself, you're not going to murder your family, you're probably just gon be high and a lil sad bruh.

    Before this turn into a debate, I've had multiple psychiatrist explain d**** and mental illness. Weed is the least harmful

  • Jan 9, 2021
    1 reply

    Actually no, why tf do people actually think that? The biggest problem it pose is being a crutch... I'm bpd which mean I'm not bipolar, I actually have some control over my emotions. Weed's not going to make you kill yourself, you're not going to murder your family, you're probably just gon be high and a lil sad bruh.

    Before this turn into a debate, I've had multiple psychiatrist explain d**** and mental illness. Weed is the least harmful

    My fault the guy you responded to has bipolar that’s where I got that from. But there’s tons of studies suggesting weed worsens or triggers psychotic/manic symptoms in bi polar and schizo people.

  • Jan 9, 2021
    Side Nigha

    My fault the guy you responded to has bipolar that’s where I got that from. But there’s tons of studies suggesting weed worsens or triggers psychotic/manic symptoms in bi polar and schizo people.

    Cannabis is definitely a risk with mental health issues but it also works so specifically for each individual that you can't say outright it's bad though I definitely overuse it. I never would outright recommend it but it absolutely can stabilize some people. Obviously disastrous for some as well. Schizophrenia is the major risk factor. I started smoking a few years ago specifically after going in-patient and I maintain to this day that I woulda been heading out at that point if it wasn't for cannabis. Is it a crutch to some extent now for me? Of course. Granted, I also didn't get the official bipolar diagnosis until some months ago, was technically just anxiety/depression/PTSD before but I've never once gotten anxious or manic while medicated. Alcohol, however, can definitely send me into episodes, so I am focusing on stopping that first then cutting back on smoking once I have a handle on that. But just as a whole, psychedelics are exploding in mental health research at this point and there is a reason for that - promising results for PTSD, anxiety, depression, bipolar, etc. Obviously science does not in any way fully understand psychedelics (or any pharmaceutical psych meds for that matter) so I definitely encourage erring on the side of caution for anyone. Naturally messing with your brain is a risk to some extent whether your brain is "normal" or not, so anybody with mental issues definitely is taking more of a risk but I just don't believe that it automatically is good or bad for anybody, it's just up to the individual to make that decision for themselves (with the understanding that they could end up making the wrong decision). I appreciate your concern for me though, brother

  • Jan 9, 2021
    1 reply

    I swear going home is like rehab for me I haven’t smoked in two weeks and I’m glad because since covid started I smoked almost every single day now that the semester ended I stopped and don’t plan on resuming. The clarity is back and the anxiety is gone.

  • Jan 9, 2021

    Still smoking cigarettes and pipe. Pipe is strictly for Sunday afternoons when I’m studying

  • Jan 9, 2021

    i smoke twice as much weed because of covid

  • Jan 10, 2021

    Yeah i stopped smoking cigarettes in August. Admittedly I relapsed in December but that will never happen again

  • Jan 10, 2021

    started smoking cause of covid

  • Jan 10, 2021

    i quit smoking of any kind like over a year and a half ago. lost interest in cigarillos and weed f***ed with my mental stuff really really bad so not worth it. dont see the appeal of normal cigs really

  • ghosting ®️
    Jan 10, 2021

    I swear going home is like rehab for me I haven’t smoked in two weeks and I’m glad because since covid started I smoked almost every single day now that the semester ended I stopped and don’t plan on resuming. The clarity is back and the anxiety is gone.

    Lmao ditto for me

    But once i come back i usually start up again eventually

  • I’m damn near about to quit. Since April I’ve probably smoked a few bands worth of weed. Sometimes it’s not even fun anymore smoking so much. I need to quit for at least 3 months.

  • Jan 10, 2021

    imagine ever smoking

    my lungs cleaNNN believe that

  • Jan 10, 2021

    not really but ive damn near quit drinking since covid. not going to any bars and clubs since covid helped a lot

  • Jan 10, 2021

    You'll Cowards Don't Even Smoke Crack

  • Jan 10, 2021

    I quit cause I had issues with motivation, self discipline and past experiences with hard d****... smoking would only make that s*** worse. Hated the feeling of waking up slumped from weed induced comas, hated the taste it left in my mouth, the damage to my mouth, the paranoia that followed every high regarding all the countless health issues smoking causes, limiting my nutritional intake, my growing reliance of needing it to "chill out" etc etc

    I started working out & felt like a fool committing to that and STILL smoking, essentially working against myself... been clean almost a year now & it feels great


  • Jan 10, 2021

    Nah. Never stopped. Sharing a blunt/jay is a rare thing to do now tho since Im not tryna catch s*** from nobody.

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