Wow she finally escaped from his dungeon huh? Never thought i'd live to see the day
when you remember who diddy father was..... apple really dont fall that from the tree huh
Just googled yo wtf how have I not known this
Who’s diddys f***ing father
Sold dope with Frank Lucas crew or Nucky Barnes one of them lol
We should’ve saw the warning signs after bruh was able to portray a psychopath a lil too well
this s*** was known if people paid attention with kim porter least surprising news ever
how much did Diddy pay Cudi to keep this under the radar, how have we not heard about this till now
how much did Diddy pay Cudi to keep this under the radar, how have we not heard about this till now
I would like to think he didn’t even know it was diddy until now
this s*** was known if people paid attention with kim porter least surprising news ever
Open Secret, but at least something is finally gonna happen I hope
Man Cudi been through a lot and has overcome a lot, I ain’t sending that man nothing but love and respect. The fact he ain’t ever said anything about this too!
I talked with my boy about this happening
They're gonna start pulling up hella s*** on him