Sounds like some s*** from breaking bad or something just having someone's car blow up in their driveway
Diddy really a scary motherfucker imagine a gay gangster/mob boss record label exec suge knight lite type of dude
Pretty freaky how nearly every person in Hollywood is close to this man.
Jonah Hill must’ve seen some crazy s*** at those white parties
I’m crine imagining cudi recording indicud and looking outside the studio and seeing
Kanye is on the phone with Diddy right now to put him onstage at the ¥$ show
circling back to this cause this will be 1000% part of the Ye comeback cycle somehow
Diddy really a scary motherfucker imagine a gay gangster/mob boss record label exec suge knight lite type of dude
Oh and with MONEY too
I feel so bad for Cassie. That musta been a decade of heart wrenching fear. That s*** ain’t no joke. Really wish abusers could mentally put themselves in that other person’s shoes
the streets have been calling this man the devil for years. i didn’t know about all this but idk why anyone is surprised by it
every time some says “oh i’m not surprised” it gives the energy of brushing off what happened like it doesn’t even matter
even if that’s not what the intent is
it just sounds like “oh yeah who cares” kinda thing
Knew 50 was coming lmaooo
Now I gotta rewatch everything
I’ve hated Diddy severely for years so I’m glad to see this piece of s*** get exposed for the piece of s*** he is
Bankruptcy soon come inshallah
Now I gotta rewatch everything was tryna be 50's sugar daddy
@ThuggaBe a prime example of the children that got left behind during the NCLB program.
Is this KTT premium?
# changes the font to a heading. Multiple #’s will change the style
When the money slow up, Young Miami will sue Diddy for r@pe too.
Let's see
Niggas gave me a week off for Adonis jokes we letting this rock?
@ThuggaBe a prime example of the children that got left behind during the NCLB program.
! movie but very sad