Her daughter bad tho
You risking your life and freedom with them, but them titties did they thang in the gene pool
Holy s*** he a b****, you right f*** em
"Holland admitted he had a friend punch him in the face and initially lied to the police to make it seem Bailey attacked him.
He also testified he was upset because Bailey was having an affair with his girlfriend, but that the gun went off accidentally."
be better to say 'its ai not me'
nah i woulda been joked out if he called it a deepfake
nah i woulda been joked out if he called it a deepfake
i know i'm joking he'd be better to play travolta realistically tbh n disappear forever but his ego won't let him
he addicted to the clout/fame/celebrity he really loves being famous wasteyute
i know i'm joking he'd be better to play travolta realistically tbh n disappear forever but his ego won't let him
he addicted to the clout/fame/celebrity he really loves being famous wasteyute
dude is finna be in a court room for the rest of his natural born life at this point
Holy s*** he a b****, you right f*** em
"Holland admitted he had a friend punch him in the face and initially lied to the police to make it seem Bailey attacked him.
He also testified he was upset because Bailey was having an affair with his girlfriend, but that the gun went off accidentally."
this the same son or she got more than one? yh f*** him killing over p**** is such a b****ass move just get a new ting n move on asap if anything punch him one time for disrespect but pulling a gun n killing a man
this the same son or she got more than one? yh f*** him killing over p**** is such a b****ass move just get a new ting n move on asap if anything punch him one time for disrespect but pulling a gun n killing a man
How is that not a semi jussie smollett type scam to literally have a friend punch you so you can lie and claim you were attacked and jt was self defense?
dude is finna be in a court room for the rest of his natural born life at this point
type beat the cases cant stop wont stop
How is that not a semi jussie smollett type scam to literally have a friend punch you so you can lie and claim you were attacked and jt was self defense?
Fam, initially the police said he was shot by a handgun
Then it came out he shot him in the face with an M4
Fam, initially the police said he was shot by a handgun
Then it came out he shot him in the face with an M4
Wtfff lmao ridiculous
Buddy a b****, he got drunk and killed his 17 year old friend because he thought the friend was f***ing his girl
Oh wow...
Buddy a b****, he got drunk and killed his 17 year old friend because he thought the friend was f***ing his girl
I can't believe you guys aren't giving him the benefit of the doubt.
I mean most piece of s*** monsters don't even pretend to apologize. He didn't even pull a Kevin spacey and address the allegations in character to try get support.
Diddy deserves everything thrown at him and the kitchen sink. I'm shocked he thought this might even fix things.
Attacking Chaka Khan gotta get you put in Purgatory to roam forever with no help nor home
I can't believe you guys aren't giving him the benefit of the doubt.
I mean most piece of s*** monsters don't even pretend to apologize. He didn't even pull a Kevin spacey and address the allegations in character to try get support.
Diddy deserves everything thrown at him and the kitchen sink. I'm shocked he thought this might even fix things.
Kevin Spacey being typecasted to play villains and turning out to be a villain irl was crazy
Attacking Chaka Khan gotta get you put in Purgatory to roam forever with no help nor home
Who does that Fr
Kevin Spacey being typecasted to play villains and turning out to be a villain irl was crazy
Usually the actors who play villains are incredibly nice. Spacey doubled tf down.
I'm not making any excuses because I do believe he's evil and even had people involved with his trial killed, way too many bodies connected to that case when it happened just dropping.
But from what I understand him and his brother were severely abused and it twisted how they grew into the people they are.
However, alot of people get abused and don't turn into f***ing monsters