"He says he woke up to a sharp pain in his rectum and anus and noticed his clothes were missing, turning around to see why his anus hurt and seeing a fully erect Diddy trying to insert his p**** inside the man's anus.
The guy claims Diddy talked dirty to him while wearing a disturbing smile, but he says the d**** made it impossible to fight back or resist Diddy's assault."
Sean Combs is brought in wearing MDC jail tan uniform. He makes a point of hugging his lawyer Agnifilo, then sits chatting with Ricco
All rise!
Combs' lawyer Ricco: The family of Mr Sean Love Combs are here, they traveled a long way.
Judge Subramanian: Thank you for being here. Mr. Agnifilo, tell me about the legal pads.
Combs' lawyers Agnifilo: The first time I saw them was Tuesday
Combs' lawyer Agnifilo: As we sit here today I'm not sure when Legal was written on each of them. I'm trying to get to the bottom of it. Different members of the defense team was telling him to write Legal on the pads. There is a photo of a pad without Legal on it
Combs' lawyer Agnifilo: So it's clear that on Nov 1, the sweep, they did not all say "Legal."
Judge Subramanian: The pad you handed up to me, did it say "Legal" on it on Nov 1?
Agnifilo: I'm not sure -
Judge: Moving forward make sure representations are true
Judge Subramanian: Ms. Slavik, what's the status of Mr. Combs' laptop?
AUSA Christine Slavik: The laptop for him to review the discovery at the MDC, the idea is to pre-load the information he is allowed to have at the MDC on the laptop. There's a protective order
Judge Subramanian: On the bail application, I don't have to deal with the Boustani case. The defense is saying there are extensive conditions proposed, including 24/7 security. What about the Fox case?
AUSA: There was no RICO charge in that case
Judge: Agreed.
Judge: But I want you to address the proposed conditions.
AUSA: There has to be some level of trust that the defendant will follow him. Here, he will not. He cannot be trusted. Consider his conduct in custody, after the 2 judges' findings
AUSA: His attorneys are enabling his flouting of the BOP's rules. Consider the labeling of the pads, after the fact. Even family members-
Judge: What's your response if Mr. Combs says even if they don't trust me, there'd be 24/7 security?
AUSA: If he can't comply in a custodial setting, he will not comply if released. What type of security firm? They suggested a co-conspirator, one whose phone was taken only the day before. The 2d suggestion was a defense investigator in this case
AUSA: That investigator has been out contacting witnesses. Essentially, they work for him. This would be the defendant buying his way out.
Judge: You've conceded that Boustani's bar does not apply here. You've cited his wealth to release him, so can't he use it?
AUSA: We're not seeking his continued detention based on his wealth, but rather danger, risk of flight and obstruction.
Judge Subramanian: Is obstruction your main argument?
AUSA: Danger to others.
Judge: So not risk of flight?
AUSA: We still rely on that too
Judge Subramanian: Tell me about obstruction.
AUSA: His continuing violation of rules-
Judge: If running a PR campaign obstruction?
AUSA: That's not what we have here. Rather, it's his concerted effort to impact the integrity of these proceedings.
AUSA: He says, I want to reach the jurors, I need only one
Judge: He's not permitted to engage in any conduct to impact the jury pool?
AUSA: His intent, it's obstructive conduct. He's violated the so-called gag order. He's the one who asked for that order.
USA: The court entered the order on October 25. He started his campaign on October 27. He couldn't even comply for two days.
Judge: What about the Jeffreys Abercrombie case, where the government agreed to release on $10 million bond?
AUSA: I think the better comparison is to the two prior denials of bail here.
Judge: What about his claim the Government spliced the video?
AUSA: He apologized, that's the point.
Judge: Why did you use the spliced video, not the original?
AUSA: It was public
AUSA: The cell phone footage was grand jury material and we didn't want the defendant to be able to retaliate against the grand jury witness. We did add blurring, of the victim's face. In 2016 the defendant bribed hotel security $100,000 to make it go away
AUSA: Does it matter if he threw a vase or the contents of a vase? He admitted to it and apologized for it. This took place in the middle of a freak off. The US has evidence a male commercial s***worker was in the hotel room at that time
AUSA: This is devastating evidence for the trial. It shows why he cannot be released on bail - he is violent and is committed to covering up his crimes. The evidence against him continues to mount - we've learned of punching and kicking, employees, partners
Judge: Mr. Agnifilo?
Combs' lawyer Agnifilo: I'm going to have Ms. Shapiro lead us off.
Alexandra Shapiro: He was not dragging her back to the freak off-
Judge: There was dragging
Shapiro: I don't mean to-
Judge: There was kicking.
Shapiro: He has apologized
Judge Subramanian: What about the 2018 text messages with Victim-1, about violence?
Combs' lawyer Agnifilo: We have gathered more information about Victim-1, even yesterday. I don't want to quote it because it's under seal and should be. It was consensual