Getting racist Gio out of here
@gio bro u racist???
i’m asian bro
I got muted for my adonis joke and I aint touched that topic since
Others be repeat offenders tho
I'm happy and healthy
You seem to be pretty mad when it comes to west coast artists
damn i got soft if im tryna defuse two niggas calling each other ugly
@Beautiful_Morning how do i get my edge back bro
Harden is a chucking fat loser who will never win a championship and is a stain on the sport.
Go get them!!!
ktt lore that dates back to OG ktt is crazy
how many of y'all wasn't on ktt1 wtf
bro you were meeting ktt members irl?
I was too my homie showed me this website lmao
I remember on KTT1 when Quadra would post their fat girlfriend in the couples thread 24/7. Then one day he dropped a text wall explaining she cheated on him. Dude didn't come back on the site for a month. Everyone assumed he killed himself
what the f***?
Harden is a chucking fat loser who will never win a championship and is a stain on the sport.
Go get them!!!
almost told u to kys
almost told u to kys
He's still in there....
When you see condom eyes post, just know it’s time to dip I never thought I’d experience a vibe killer within an online space until buddy lmaoo
All ima say is @fiveprestos is realer than a lot of you fellas.
Condom when people criticized Kanye or Lupe:
“y’all need to stop worshipping celebrities, go live in real life and help your community.”
When Kendrick announced Super Bowl:
Nigga will say we worship celebrities then spend 10 hours defending Lupe
Does King Los even show his face in public anymore
Last time he was seen in public with Diddy