Possibly a reach. But would it really be a surprise if it was real atp
Title didn't shock me after reading his case
As a huge Drake fan what Diddy did is already disgusting
We don’t have to sensationalize lies just to add to it
Have you all just glanced over the fact he kissed his mother on the lip
Some folk do that & it's weird af, but that?
There was something off about that.
It always starts in the home
Charity, or in this case, depravity, starts at home
imagine counting d**** by d****
This board is gonna be a dumping ground for every fake/reach tweet and forced joke about the Diddy case, dope
mixed with some tired kendrick v drake s***, real dope
Have you all just glanced over the fact he kissed his mother on the lip
Titus O'Neill kissed his son on the lips too. Interesting
Maybe she came along when he went for his IV
Who knows. I’d rather believe she was there in an innocent capacity. For my mental health.
There goes your innocence
There goes your innocence
I’m dead man
I wonder what kinda abuse this man went through as a kid
imagine doing this with a Mase avi smh
not defending diddy, im just saying lets not jump to conclusions on his moms
mad serious accusation to throw on someone, also this thread really not necessary