Got a code for Batman: Mask of the Phantasm if anyone wants it! I bought it used so chance it might not work. But as always, you're welcome to give it a shot!
Me pls n thx
Cool. Hopefully it hasn't be redeemed. Just sent it.
It worked! Greatly appreciated once again
It worked! Greatly appreciated once again
F*** yeah! Glad to hear it. Enjoy!
im in!!
Cool! It's yours! Gimme a follow so I can message you the code.
Cool! It's yours! Gimme a follow so I can message you the code.
followed brotha! Thank you!!
Got a code for Ordinary People (1980) if anyone wants it!
What were your thoughts on this movie? I saw it last year and don’t see many talk about it, nowadays at least
What were your thoughts on this movie? I saw it last year and don’t see many talk about it, nowadays at least
I loved it. Great performances all around and really hits home with the subject matters of grief and suicide. Conveys them well and how it can unravel a family slowly. Near the beginning when Hutton's character sees the train and the graves. The way he's staring at them etc. I knew the film knew what it was doing. Nice surprise. Tbh, I didn't expect it to be as good as it was. Deserves to be talked about more!
Got a code for Ordinary People (1980) if anyone wants it!
I’ll grab if still available! Much appreciated 👍🏻
I loved it. Great performances all around and really hits home with the subject matters of grief and suicide. Conveys them well and how it can unravel a family slowly. Near the beginning when Hutton's character sees the train and the graves. The way he's staring at them etc. I knew the film knew what it was doing. Nice surprise. Tbh, I didn't expect it to be as good as it was. Deserves to be talked about more!
Yeah I ended up liking it more than I thought I would and it’s weirdly stuck with me even having only watched once. It is slow paced so it won’t be for everyone but I feel like once you get to end it recontextualizes everything you’ve seen and adds more emotional weight.
Yeah I ended up liking it more than I thought I would and it’s weirdly stuck with me even having only watched once. It is slow paced so it won’t be for everyone but I feel like once you get to end it recontextualizes everything you’ve seen and adds more emotional weight.
Well put! 100% agree! I have a feeling it will stick with me for a while too.
Got a code for Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves if anyone wants it!
Got a code for Oppenheimer if anyone wants it! Bought it used so there's a chance it might not work. As always, you're welcome to give it a shot!
Got a code for Oppenheimer if anyone wants it! Bought it used so there's a chance it might not work. As always, you're welcome to give it a shot!
I’ll take it