  • May 24

    I just got a ps5 gang, wondring if I should start buying my games moving forward for owners ship or go all digital for convience & frequent deals.

    What's your stance?
    Any good game recs?

  • Honestly you’ll usually get better deals buying physical, especially on newer games. It really depends on how much space you have to store them.

  • And I’m not sure what kind of games you’re into but you can’t go wrong with PS first party games. Returnal, The Last of Us or Death Stranding are all great picks.

  • I prefer digital because I play on the Portal sometimes so I can switch easily

  • digital cause you won't even have to stand up from your couch

  • May 24


  • Physical.
    They have way better deals. For example. I recently wanted to play an older game called Scarlett Nexus.
    From like 2021. It's still $59.99 on PS5. And only goes down to like $40 during sales.

    Found a new copy on Amazon for $19.99.

    Not to mention you can just trade and lend/borrow games with friends to save money.

    On top of that, Sony will never bust through your doors and still your physical copies

  • People are very weird about physical games but you can do both

    Only thing to keep in mind is that you are playing on the PS5, not a PC. If you buy a game digitally on the PS5 and it turns out to be garbage then your chances to refund that s*** is pretty much 0

  • I buy physical games second hand by lowballing on mercari, beat them and then sell them back for more than I paid because I typically don’t replay games. This system allows me to not blow too much cash on games

    Digital is only for games that I know I’d never sell (gta, monster hunter, cod, etc)

    I don’t care about having a physical collection but physical media will always be important so you should lean in that direction

  • Nayuta 🧴
    May 24

    That's all up to you

    I go physical if I see a good deal on something I want. Physical takes up too much space when you been gaming since the PS1 though. If I really wanna play something day 1 I get it digital, sales I'll go physical, otherwise I go digital generally.

    I don't really care about selling anything unless it's some rare s***. Most physical resale ain't gonna be much after a year anyway.

  • May 24

    I only get physical if the steelbook fire. If not Steam/PS Store it is

  • I'm physical gang. Not a fan of streaming and all this s*** where they can decide to take the games down and you're f***ed. And I don't really have the internet capacity to download 20GB+ games. But I will occasionally buy digital if it's a deal too good to say no to

  • Depends on the platform. For PC physical copies are basically dead lol, but deals are much better.

    Tbh I'd keep physical copies going on for as long as I could. It's nice seeing your collection grow and I always used to share copies with friends when I was playing on console

  • I'll always go with physical for as long as i can, mainly for collecting, preservation and great deals, both on new and used.
    I go with digital only if the physical is rare/almost impossible to get at retail price or the deal is too good to pass on. And there's PC too, my library is digital only in there for obvious reasons

  • Im glad switch cases are small cause they dont take up too much space

  • primarily physical though, with smaller titles, you kinda have to go digital

  • I only buy physicals for used games I can get for cheap

  • May 25

    I'm physical gang. However, not against using digital tho. I've bought digital a few time for certain games. Specifically indie ones.

  • Never had an issue w digital so I stick with that most of the time. Will have one physical maybe