my shirt is already in oakland but fedex STAYS holding it until the actual delivery date. literally only happens with them smh
my shirt is already in oakland but fedex STAYS holding it until the actual delivery date. literally only happens with them smh
dont come into this thread with those problems when this s*** in stock and i cant even cop
dont come into this thread with those problems when this s*** in stock and i cant even cop
damn youre right... thanks for checking my fresco privilege
my shirt is already in oakland but fedex STAYS holding it until the actual delivery date. literally only happens with them smh
Same here it’s okay though it will be worth the wait
Honestly it wasn't that long - nine days for me
It's just that Dime shipped out mere hours after purchase so FedEx dragging their feet made it seem like forever.
how that s*** fit tho
Dam my s*** is in Florida right now
how that s*** fit tho
Dam my s*** is in Florida right now
Fits great, M will be perfect for you
how that s*** fit tho
Dam my s*** is in Florida right now
Bro it’s a nice fit, won’t be tight or long on you at all.
Just got mine today too fits amazing
Glad to hear it because all I remember is you saying you usually wear M/L and going XL on this or something, had me like
Man, I can understand @thebootywarrior esp since no one's posting pics but you didn't even want the shirt
Me seeing Americans get the shirt before me when I live a province over from where Dime is