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Always got at least one fire tee, that shade of green is perfect too
And a perfect teal too
Have never worn a pair of sweatpants in my life but....
How u never wore sweats in ur life ??
Always got at least one fire tee, that shade of green is perfect too
And a perfect teal too
Agreed, might have to pick up the hat tbh
Edit: nvm my big ass head dont do snapbacks
How u never wore sweats in ur life ??
Never made sense if I'm doing anything physical, then I'm doing shorts
If I'm cooling, shorts
If I'm cooling even more, body suit
Never made sense in fits
If it's cold I'm rocking whatever pants I was fitted in that day to sleep, they tougher than some soft ass sweats
Never made sense if I'm doing anything physical, then I'm doing shorts
If I'm cooling, shorts
If I'm cooling even more, body suit
Never made sense in fits
If it's cold I'm rocking whatever pants I was fitted in that day to sleep, they tougher than some soft ass sweats
agreed, never been into sweats, especially the ones with the ankle cuff
usually too warm or i could just wear some shorts
Always got at least one fire tee, that shade of green is perfect too
And a perfect teal too
Hats fire and shirts giving me pastelle vibes
Hats fire and shirts giving me pastelle vibes
You're killing it today
agreed, never been into sweats, especially the ones with the ankle cuff
usually too warm or i could just wear some shorts
those floral pants from fw14 and that's the only time I'll allow the cuff, don't f*** with that s*** either
But sweats when it's cold
Have never worn a pair of sweatpants in my life but....
hold up
youโve never worn sweatpants? lol this is crazy to me
Have never worn a pair of sweatpants in my life but....
Not even as a child?
Have never worn a pair of sweatpants in my life but....
You've always struck me as a sweatpants wearer because of all the other colored pants you wear tbh.
These ones are hard as hell too goddamn
those floral pants from fw14 and that's the only time I'll allow the cuff, don't f*** with that s*** either
But sweats when it's cold
the snow storm is like the only time i've worn sweats
You're killing it today
low-key still got the file of the logo ian connor tweeted lol
Never made sense if I'm doing anything physical, then I'm doing shorts
If I'm cooling, shorts
If I'm cooling even more, body suit
Never made sense in fits
If it's cold I'm rocking whatever pants I was fitted in that day to sleep, they tougher than some soft ass sweats
you wearin outside clothes in bed??