don’t worry guys I’m dming all the USA stockists and asking “when you getting that new dime s*** tho?”
will keep y’all posted
last post all cap
you right shipping prolly gonna be cheaper thru the stockists too tbh, s*** was $13 USD for one tee off the dime site
Yeah, thankfully the conversion rate helps with the actual price of stuff cause international shipping, even if it's just Canada to here, is always bad
There’s a Uk online store getting them in on 6/25
I’ll let y’all know which one it is after I cop first tho
There’s a Uk online store getting them in on 6/25
I’ll let y’all know which one it is after I cop first tho
pick one
pick one
honestly don’t follow current/world events so have no idea what you mean by this
honestly don’t follow current/world events so have no idea what you mean by this
usa #1 country in the world #1 corona cases undefeated
usa #1 country in the world #1 corona cases undefeated
I prolly should wait for USA retailers tho
Buying from uk prolly gonna make this s*** 30$ more exp
I prolly should wait for USA retailers tho
Buying from uk prolly gonna make this s*** 30$ more exp
You're gonna regret it when they start popping up state side, don't do it
Imagine that 128 CAD turning into 128 pounds and still having to pay international shipping
(I know that isn't how pricing works but this is how it always plays out in mind when I miss out on something and have to go looking in Europe for it)
There’s a Uk online store getting them in on 6/25
I’ll let y’all know which one it is after I cop first tho
Need a link
bro how did s*** sell out in under 10 minutes
Need a link
30£ to get it shipped to USA y’all can have that link I don’t want it anymore
30£ to get it shipped to USA y’all can have that link I don’t want it anymore
30£ to get it shipped to USA y’all can have that link I don’t want it anymore
Damn, I was a bit off with the 128 but when you throw that shipping on top, yeesh
Stay patient dawg, your time and US stockists are coming
30£ to get it shipped to USA y’all can have that link I don’t want it anymore
Good looks
DLX skate shop in the bay is not getting any of the new dime s*** cause of covid/business closed for now
What size you end up getting?
Went with a large, didnt figure I had enough time to think about it
Damn, if you were considering the XL you're good
Yeah I usually wear medium/large but I’ve been into the oversized button up look recently
LMAO i stand corrected, please ask him for which stockists lol ima cop now smh
can you stop
Already got shipping confirmation 😳
Me too, forgot Dime goes STUPID with the shipping speed
man I got too many camp rayon shirts
damn why’d you cop another one this morning then let me get that since you have too many
ima dm my shipping address right now where should I send cashapp/PayPal?