I don't mean to derail the tread but look at the women ye was bagging
Bro on that site they say he was dating Ricardo Tisci
“Ricardo and Kanye are seperated...”
sry fam, she let me in balls deep
no she didnt, she charges 15k
im already saving up
why they still let this cornball make money
he's always had talent. Probably could have saved EDM or whatever they call it nowadays. House music? Deep house? Yea he could def save deep house...
I don't mean to derail the tread but look at the women ye was bagging
thank you for introducing me to this website this is hilarious
Dude, you cant be here if you’re not 18
7 pages of who a nigga slept with from a site called gossip of the city?
I don't mean to derail the tread but look at the women ye was bagging
Riccardo Tisci???? lmao
Riccardo Tisci has been in a relationship with Kanye West (2011).
I don't mean to derail the tread but look at the women ye was bagging
not the Ricardo tabloid rumors again
if this was true i would literally kill myself im not even joking
hey fam... its rough times rn... but we gotta get better
ktt niggas gossipping?
it's unheard of