it’s funny cus they hate that nigga
damn just looked this up and they really do hate Jackie over there and he really is a bad person
he said in the interview in op that he can’t hit his kids cause they would sue him.. so he just disowned them instead
i won’t hit my children after what i went through as a child. i wasn’t bad i just had african parents - mostly my dad.
and depending on who/the culture they will definitely beat you for pointless things for example not doing the dishes.
i grew up resenting my father. after every beating it never made me respect him so now i don’t like when people tell me to do things or speak on me with authority.
you can raise children good without violence.
bro im the exact same down to the african father and all 😂
except i became “bad” later on as a kid
Not saying it was right, but it is what it is
All cap, not having kids :khaled2:
Not saying it was right, but it is what it is
! cap, not having kids :khaled2:
i remember laughing my ass off first time i watched these nilesey videos
Stern and fair. Never lay a hand on them. If the mother feels the need to land a slap or two that's on her. I don't plan on having kids anytime soon tho
i won’t hit my children after what i went through as a child. i wasn’t bad i just had african parents - mostly my dad.
and depending on who/the culture they will definitely beat you for pointless things for example not doing the dishes.
i grew up resenting my father. after every beating it never made me respect him so now i don’t like when people tell me to do things or speak on me with authority.
you can raise children good without violence.
I don’t particularly want a kid but generally take away things he likes like gaming console or some s*** like that. Ain’t gonna abuse my kid especially with laws today
Good old fashion whoopings is the go to
and then he/she sue you and cancel you on twitter