Nigga, why the f*** did they not put Birthday out first DAMN!!!.
S*** sound like some old Monica joint or something
That would’ve went the f*** off
Forreal...what’s weird about is they got TWO remixes for that song. Usually that would happen with the lead single.
I can’t express this enough Birthday is a f***ing smash. They need to push that as hard as humanly possible
Forreal...what’s weird about is they got TWO remixes for that song. Usually that would happen with the lead single.
Maybe they wanted too and something changed
Why they do Amine dirty and not list his feature
yea i was confused when i first saw. must be an error
They highkey shoulda just marketted this as a Spotify playlist or sum cus that’s exactly what the front part of this is like lool some smash hits on it for sure tho
While I wish more of the album went in the crazy tribal direction of the title track, this thing is a beast. It’s incredible how dynamic these guys can make the four on the floor pattern.
Nothing beats those wonky warm disclosure synths.
Goes harder than settle if u ask me
Settle was a moment and a spark and a huge album, but if anything of theres was gonna top it, it’d be this