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  • Aug 27, 2020

    There is no way to protest injustice. I’ve seen too many contradictory statements it just shows most clearly don’t give a flying f***. They’re on the top now their selfishness is ripe. From the white liberal masquerading as a progressive to the white conservative attending klan meetings.

    It’s so interesting to see how quick white people can defend each other. Wearing masks is government tyranny but fascist police is justified as long as a black man had a criminal record.

    The mental gymnastics being done is staggering especially with regards to that shooter from last night. It’s hilarious to always see how quick self defence is utilised to protect a white man. No one would say self defence if a random mass shooter got jumped so why now?

    Always quick to bring up statistics (which these people always read wrong) they never bring solutions either.

    Thankful to those white people that want to see some genuine change in our society.

  • Aug 27, 2020
    2 replies

    "but white people get shot by cops too!!"

    But then they don't s*** about that either. It's like they're totally fine with getting s***ted on as long as black people get s*** on harder.

  • Aug 27, 2020

    Organize with the like minded. Activate people who aren't engaged. Arguing doesn't matter.

  • Kenig 💭
    Aug 27, 2020
    1 reply

    Excluding people from a debate because of their race

  • Aug 27, 2020
    1 reply

    Excluding people from a debate because of their race

    You must be white because this isn’t and was never my point.

    Keep being defensive.

  • Kenig 💭
    Aug 27, 2020

    You must be white because this isn’t and was never my point.

    Keep being defensive.

    Gonna be honest with u I just read the title

  • Just looking at the youtube comments on the recent shooting of Jacob Blake, and people saying he was "resisting" and this and that

    Such an infuriating thing to see. Its so dismissive and obviously autistic to think that nothing wrong was done there

    Its just mental masturbation from white people. Anyone with eyes can see what happened there clear as day

  • Aug 27, 2020
    Scratchin Mamba

    "but white people get shot by cops too!!"

    But then they don't s*** about that either. It's like they're totally fine with getting s***ted on as long as black people get s*** on harder.

    Its insane how fire this post is

  • Aug 27, 2020

    Just like the way to beat poverty isn't capitalism, the way to beat racism isn't through white acceptance

  • Aug 27, 2020

    The worst thing about today's society and discussing about it's problems is that every time something is pointed out, the usual counterargument is that the opposite of that does it too. The most prominent proof of that is how everything is either anti-democrat or anti-republican right now, no discussion about anything between basically. Whoever wanted to divide the people did it well.

  • Aug 27, 2020

    The media keeps people at odds.

  • Aug 27, 2020
    1 reply
    Scratchin Mamba

    "but white people get shot by cops too!!"

    But then they don't s*** about that either. It's like they're totally fine with getting s***ted on as long as black people get s*** on harder.

    “If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you”

  • Aug 27, 2020

    “If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you”

    I don't fw LBJ at all but he was speaking factoids here 💯💯

  • Aug 27, 2020
    1 reply

    Media plays a big part in promulgating the idea that the White Christian Conservative identity is under attack by attributing their characteristics to the Republican party.

    In that way, anything that goes against the party goes against them and their very character. This induces cognitive dissonance, and they can’t hold two conflicting ideas so they put one on a pedestal while absolutely destroying the other.

    It’s why they can sweep away any and all criticisms or call to actions because in their reality it just doesn’t exist. It’s not a big deal until it happens to them, then they wonder wtf happened the last 20+ years and how they got there

  • Aug 27, 2020

    White people are always the last to realize how f***ed things actually are. JFK tried to put people on subtly and even he was taken down.

    If your best outcome is getting shot in a convertible then what's even the point? Pass the diet coke and let me forget there's even oppression going on.

  • Aug 27, 2020
    3 replies

    white people white people white people white people white people white people white people white people white people white people white people white people white people white people white people white people white people white people white people white people

  • Aug 27, 2020

    white people white people white people white people white people white people white people white people white people white people white people white people white people white people white people white people white people white people white people white people

    Another one

  • Aug 27, 2020

    Media plays a big part in promulgating the idea that the White Christian Conservative identity is under attack by attributing their characteristics to the Republican party.

    In that way, anything that goes against the party goes against them and their very character. This induces cognitive dissonance, and they can’t hold two conflicting ideas so they put one on a pedestal while absolutely destroying the other.

    It’s why they can sweep away any and all criticisms or call to actions because in their reality it just doesn’t exist. It’s not a big deal until it happens to them, then they wonder wtf happened the last 20+ years and how they got there

    People believe the media is on the side of leftists and non white people meanwhile corporate media is owned by billionaire capitalists who have everything to gain by keeping the same corrupt opportunists in power.

  • Aug 27, 2020

    white people white people white people white people white people white people white people white people white people white people white people white people white people white people white people white people white people white people white people white people


  • Aug 27, 2020
    2 replies

    white people white people white people white people white people white people white people white people white people white people white people white people white people white people white people white people white people white people white people white people

    This is still hilarious.

  • Aug 27, 2020
    3 replies

    This is still hilarious.

    still true too

  • Saturday

    This is still hilarious.

    that last sentence

  • Aug 27, 2020

    still true too

    Educate yourself

  • Aug 27, 2020
    1 reply

    still true too

    white people who think they’re oppressed are f***ing insane

  • Aug 27, 2020

    white people who think they’re oppressed are f***ing insane

    im not oppressed, never claimed to be

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