  • May 24, 2021

    Gonna have these avengers soon

    What’s wild is that this is a legitimate movie we may see within the next 20 years at the pace these companies are merging lmao

  • FREE 💜
    May 24, 2021

    I told niggas this would happen

  • FREE 💜
    May 24, 2021

    Now this would make things interesting

    or Viacom

    Viacom has no money

  • May 24, 2021


  • May 24, 2021
    Mr Motion

    Is it April fools still

  • May 24, 2021
    1 reply

    Media monopolies won

  • May 24, 2021

    Disney collecting media companies like they’re infinity stones

  • May 24, 2021
    1 reply
    · edited

    Lol it's like if McDonalds and Burger King became one

    Apple and Samsung

    Nike and Adidas

    It would be terrible for diversity of product and just the overall direction of the industry would be controlled by one entity

    Edit: was a reply to someone

    whats the difference though?

    if you eat at mcdonalds or burger king does it really matter? do you really have a choice? or is just the same no matter what?

    Pepsi or Coke?
    Nike or Adidas?

    everything is manufactured, there 0 freedom of choice, no competition

  • May 24, 2021

    Well considering how WB be f***ing up DC, I would totally be up for this

  • Gojira

    Fake news

    if the only source is "OnSmash" then yeah

  • HURRY UP sab 🧔🏻
    May 24, 2021


  • HURRY UP sab 🧔🏻
    May 24, 2021


  • May 24, 2021

    Please no lol

  • May 24, 2021

    whats the difference though?

    if you eat at mcdonalds or burger king does it really matter? do you really have a choice? or is just the same no matter what?

    Pepsi or Coke?
    Nike or Adidas?

    everything is manufactured, there 0 freedom of choice, no competition

    i mean true when it comes to products that bland such as soda or fast food burgers

    but apple and samsung for example, i prefer iphones but its a damn near meme that samsung/androids have features years before apple who takes a decade to slow roll to get people to buy the annual phones...imagine if they bought samsung out and phones only got new s*** every 20 years bc they can sell u new circles on their cameras for 2 decades if they so chose bc they own the competition lol

    to bring it back to dc and marvel tho, if disney buys them out they now pretty much can put their content standards on all comic books and comic book media considering DC and Marvel are the two main comic brands

    I'm not that into comics rn to know if they're that different content wise but it just sets a bad precedent to have one corporation own that much of an industry

  • May 24, 2021

    Media monopolies won

    Disney after acquiring DC & WB

  • kill this with fire

    shame on anyone who honesty wants this

  • May 24, 2021

    Always said Apple, Google, Amazon & Disney run the world

    They the real illuminati

  • CKL TML 🌺
    May 24, 2021
    2 replies

    DC joining Marvel would be so interesting but at the same time their s*** too formulaic lol

  • May 24, 2021

    This fake ass news is still open huh

  • May 24, 2021

    Would this also be a sale of HBO?

  • May 24, 2021

    both tresh anyway. disney so garbage

  • May 24, 2021

    I wouldn’t care about them going to Disney, at this point it would help because they’ve been in shambles, but part of Marvel Studios in what sense? Is this clickbait? You’re not suggesting they would become of marvel universe, surely they would be kept separate even if same people were working on it

  • May 24, 2021
    1 reply


    Finally we can get good DC movies

  • May 24, 2021

    Kevin running both DC & Marvel at the same time?

  • BlueStepper Gaw

    Can someone photoshop this like hes about to grab some booty cheeks