The past 4 years people are making money off people's nostalgia. quite sad.
It’s true content going to go into an tough spot
i grew up on that b**** what u dashing me for
Show was not it
I just got the email about an hour ago. Can’t wait to watch when I get home from work tonight
let me get that login
I just got the email about an hour ago. Can’t wait to watch when I get home from work tonight
these dude covered his name like it washis creditcard LMAO
The past 4 years people are making money off people's nostalgia. quite sad.
People have made money off people’s nostalgia literally forever what are you even talking about
People have made money off people’s nostalgia literally forever what are you even talking about
Imagine buying a service to watch old ass movies you watched when you was 12.
Dam bro who hurt u
The past 4 years people are making money off people's nostalgia. quite sad.
Whats funny is trying to rewatch these shows now that your older will probably ruin the nostalgia.
The past 4 years people are making money off people's nostalgia. quite sad.
Boy your profile based off a 13 year old album
Leave us alone
Whats funny is trying to rewatch these shows now that your older will probably ruin the nostalgia.
most are a lot more formulaic than a lot of people remember, but there are some gems though when you rewatch shows.
anyone else rewatching the 90’s x-men cartoon? s*** is classic
Literally watching it as we speak so epic
i got the star wars 4-6 despecialized versions on blu ray so i don’t have to deal with george lucas’ s***
people are s***ting on nostalgia as if the decline of hollywood started with nostalgia.... the nostagliga aspect is a side effect of hollywood becoming unoringal... how many original movies have come out? s*** not based off a book, comic, tv show, villain, side story... it took disney+ for yall to realize that lmao
Literally watching it as we speak so epic
after i’m done with this i wanna check out the other more obscure 90’s marvel cartoons that i missed out on as a kid like silver surfer and the fantastic four
after i’m done with this i wanna check out the other more obscure 90’s marvel cartoons that i missed out on as a kid like silver surfer and the fantastic four