Which season is considered the best season of The Simpsons?
Don’t think definitive season . It’s a few seasons of a solid run where it would help to see episodes and seasons before to care . So start from beginning. Yes really
There's also so much to watch on Disney+, nostalgia or not, and will continue to get bigger when other licensing deals end. Putting out a bunch of s*** doesn't make your streaming service better
Disney+ will also get every new Disney release going forward so complaining about nostalgia is dumb
There's also so much to watch on Disney+, nostalgia or not, and will continue to get bigger when other licensing deals end. Putting out a bunch of s*** doesn't make your streaming service better
Disney+ will also get every new Disney release going forward so complaining about nostalgia is dumb
Chill man no need to do a Disney + ad here
Chill man no need to do a Disney + ad here
Or I'm just speaking the truth instead of the "Disney bad" circlejerk going on
apparently because of the neverland documentary
wasn't that horse s*** n e way
wasn't that horse s*** n e way
There are major inconsistencies in a ton of their allegations
can u download shows off of disney +? Like just in case they remove s*** you have it later
Had a feeling the nostalgia factor of seeing our childhood shows would wear off quick lol, I’m glad I didn’t cave in
they don't have a recently watched tab
They did the first day but after the servers crashed it went away
Had a feeling the nostalgia factor of seeing our childhood shows would wear off quick lol, I’m glad I didn’t cave in
Niggas really thought they loved Kim Possible that much
Getting this s*** for free from someone anyways but yall cant tell me yall gonna be watching disney+ regularly 5 months from now.
The bundle tho is great and the only tempting thing that would make me pay for it
Aside from Stranger Things and possibly The Witcher, Netflix has become background content
Only reason I still have it is because it’s my parents
Imagine disrespecting The Ozark, Bojack Horseman, and Daredevil like that
Stranger Things isn’t even top five Netflix series lol
Imagine disrespecting The Ozark, Bojack Horseman, and Daredevil like that
Stranger Things isn’t even top five Netflix series lol
Daredevil cancelled b but it’s a classic
I admit I’ve missed out on Ozark
Couldn’t get into Bojack
Daredevil cancelled b but it’s a classic
I admit I’ve missed out on Ozark
Couldn’t get into Bojack
Lemme guess you didn’t get pass the first few episodes of season 1
That’s what everyone says when they say they couldn’t get into Bojack.
and yeah Ozark is worth a watch definitely