Bro I can’t wait to get high as giraffe p**** and start watching through all The Simpsons tomorrow
Anyone know how this verizon s*** work? Imma need to watch mandalorian ASAP, but I don't wanna pay for disney + lmao
I'm guessing you just connect your verizon account with disney + tomorrow???
This drop at midnight orrrr?
Edit: Apparently Midnight pst so 3am est
Read it was 3 am PST and 6 am EST
This drop at midnight orrrr?
Edit: Apparently Midnight pst so 3am est
Lol bruh there’s a counter on the site. It says 15 hours and 30 minutes from now.
That would be 3am PST 4 am MT and 6am EST
Lol bruh there’s a counter on the site. It says 15 hours and 30 minutes from now.
That would be 3am PST 4 am MT and 6am EST
I just clicked the first article i saw idk dude i believe u bro
I just clicked the first article i saw idk dude i believe u bro
Not saying u wrong. It would make more sense to drop it sooner. Just saying we for sure know it’s not coming no later than 15 hours from now.
But it also depends on if App stores gonna update the stores a little sooner than they suppose to.
Doesn’t matter to me tho. Probably won’t check it out til tmr after work
Launching in the United Kingdom, France, Italy, Germany & Spain on March 31 , 2020
what the F***
For those needing an updated list of everything dropping
thought i was gonna stream some star wars tonight F***
brine imagine not having disney+ in deet deet moments
Out on Roku
Is there anything dropping thats actually worth checking out? I mean something aside from the typical star wars, marvel, disney garbage..
Out on Roku
Oohhhh s*** I have Roku!!
Oohhhh s*** I have Roku!!
Don’t get your hopes up. When you open it it just says start streaming November 12th.:. At least u can download it now