Anyone else get one of those Disney Drop boxes? They sent an email last week or so saying they'll send me a box full of swag (~$170 worth) from one of two themes. Theme options were Animation or Adventure. I picked Adventure instead of Animation for some reason. Figured Animation was too broad. My box came in today and it was all Cars gear. I'm 29 and have no kids
Anyone else get one of those Disney Drop boxes? They sent an email last week or so saying they'll send me a box full of swag (~$170 worth) from one of two themes. Theme options were Animation or Adventure. I picked Adventure instead of Animation for some reason. Figured Animation was too broad. My box came in today and it was all Cars gear. I'm 29 and have no kids
Time to have some kids i guess
they were pushing this one so hard too
how did Disney end up with the absolute worst streaming service?
They not stopping with these be a money laundering scheme at this point
They not stopping with these’m curious why they’re moving these to becoming streaming films when the theatrical ones are almost all some of the highest grossing films oat
even lilo and stitch is streaming i think despite that being like their 2nd most valuable ip this millennium
besides little mermaid maybe they just don’t got faith in non princess films + lion king
pretty f***ed up they’re straight up removing willow, i never watched it but still
ifs not even a year old and were showing it off at conventions just last summer
Just learned that Disney+ is planning on removing the Howard documentary. Are they serious?
The man who helped save the company from the dark era and wrote the songs for Little Mermaid, Beauty & the Beast, & Aladdin
And to do it so close to the release of the Little Mermaid remake
Just learned that Disney+ is planning on removing the Howard documentary. Are they serious?
The man who helped save the company from the dark era and wrote the songs for Little Mermaid, Beauty & the Beast, & Aladdin
And to do it so close to the release of the Little Mermaid remake
wtf has it even been 6 months since the new willow aired?
very bad 24 hours for lucasfilm!
So all the content removed can be counted as a write off
Thanks for this trend, Zaslav