I wonder about you guys education levels
buddy is def a GED burnout
buddy is def a GED burnout
Literal video evidence yet these niggas cope so bad over literally nothing & hes the one that brought it up lmao
They only believe what they want to believe even if it means nothing and even if theres no stakes
More power to them, we all gotta sleep easy at night somehow someway
Saying someone f***s underage girls to win a beef is even more f***edup but we wont get into that
He definitely has enough sexual interest in underage girls to groom them, even if he waits until they're legal to make a move
No one is going to convince me that all of these relationships with young girls, paired with the video of that fan onstage, is all smoke and no fire
If Drake lied how come his pants arnt on fire
Tell me that ktt
He definitely has enough sexual interest in underage girls to groom them, even if he waits until they're legal to make a move
No one is going to convince me that all of these relationships with young girls, paired with the video of that fan onstage, is all smoke and no fire
Them Drake stans think WE the weird ones for pointing out his pattern of inappropriate behavior with underage girls. taking minors on dinner dates, texting minors "I miss youuu", and fondling a 17 year old on stage and then talking about her breasts
you're gonna f*** with drake more as his lying and allegations become more public?
I always gotta find a way to be a contrarian f*gt. It’s in my nature ig
Drake is the light yagami of the rap game
Rotate the Marilyn Monroe towers
light lost in the end?? am I missing something??
Drake is light and Midrick is L
So Drake was the only liar in this beef
Well did Kendrick answer the daughter and wife beating allegations ?
Drake is light and Midrick is L
i need u to finish the anime/manga dude lmfao
Well did Kendrick answer the daughter and wife beating allegations ?
Drake lied about those though
Well did Kendrick answer the daughter and wife beating allegations ?
if i see this narrative one more time i might have to do it to these meatballs
You arent as smart as you think.
What happened was Drake f***ed a girl that Wayne ended up dating later. But when Wayne started dating her he didn’t know that Drake had f***ed her in the past. Drake confessed this to Wayne when he went to visit him in prison.
Wayne confirmed years ago that it didn’t happen while they were dating.
“Weezy goes on to explain that it didn't happen while they were together, but it still made him angry. "As a man, honestly, that s--t hurt...and not because it was Drake. It could've been any man and it would've hurt the same. She said it happened way before we got together, but she just never told me."
So yeah Kendrick complains about Drake fabricating stories then goes on to actually fabricate a story that can be proven false with 1 google search.
But hoes gon be hoes so i couldn't blame tammy
At the end of the video Ak says “info about the 11 year old girl was probably either fed to Kendrick or planted” lol… I’m confused at the clickbait tweet and title of the thread?
Also, either way, fwiw I take a massive grain of salt with everything Ak says, whether it’s pro-drake or anti-drake.
At the end of the video Ak says “info about the 11 year old girl was probably either fed to Kendrick or planted” lol… I’m confused at the clickbait tweet and title of the thread?
Also, either way, fwiw I take a massive grain of salt with everything Ak says, whether it’s pro-drake or anti-drake.
AK said today Drake doesn't know where Kendrick got the 11 year old daughter story. So it was never fed to them.
Lol ak just bunked this entire thread on stream just now
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