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  • Sep 3, 2021

    Just wanna say thanks to Drake 😭 For years I have been paralyzed and stuck in a wheel chair. But when my friend started playing “Certified Lover Boy”, I gained the strength to get up and turn that trash ass music off 💯Thank you Drake and all you do for the disabled community 🙏

  • Sep 3, 2021
    1 reply
    The Pause Police

    Imagine falling asleep period wtf this ain't a flex.

    I mean he obviously passed out drunk.

    Either way, all my friends and I are really really enjoying CLB and I hope y’all can too

  • Sep 3, 2021

    When Drake's biggest d***rider is falling asleep while listening CLB you know Drake's finally finished

    Lol damn y'all wake up and be praying for this

  • There's a difference between passing out and falling asleep

  • Sep 3, 2021

    Just wanna say thanks to Drake 😭 For years I have been paralyzed and stuck in a wheel chair. But when my friend started playing “Certified Lover Boy”, I gained the strength to get up and turn that trash ass music off 💯Thank you Drake and all you do for the disabled community 🙏

  • Sep 3, 2021

    op sucks why use instagram when you cant embed
    im banned from instagram!

    why not just use twitter plus late!

  • Sep 3, 2021

    Not really what happened but that’s the narrative that will suit haters lol. Ak an alcoholic 🤣

  • Sep 3, 2021
    1 reply

    Akademiks needs an intervention.


    I mean he obviously passed out drunk.

    Either way, all my friends and I are really really enjoying CLB and I hope y’all can too



    Akademiks needs an intervention.

    Literal avi to post correlation off the charts

  • Tbh if you're really enjoying something you don't take ur attention off of it like that... hmm suspicious. Drake paying this man

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