love this album so much, always preferred their ambient output because i felt the electronica stuff not my cup of tea but this album really combined both worlds beautifully.
rescortes gl putting us on
Is any of this stuff on stream
Is any of this stuff on stream
no only youtube, not surprised tho
no only youtube, not surprised tho
@proper won
Is any of this stuff on stream
it's all mashups, like RnB paired w Steve Reich etc. nothing you could ever sample clear I fear
rescortes gl putting us on
man I only finally got on that this week, really some of their best stuff
rescortes gl putting us on
np i got music recs for any genre or style or era for days weeks and years my nigga hmu if you ever need some
it's all mashups, like RnB paired w Steve Reich etc. nothing you could ever sample clear I fear
Well I hope this project reaches streaming cuz I love it
Well I hope this project reaches streaming cuz I love it
this mix / live performance in a similar style of constant layering of sounds, but more dancey. to me just as magical as the album. stupid excited to see them in April
Well I hope this project reaches streaming cuz I love it
u peep
the rescortes tape?
i can send u a link for the album zip if u want it
s*** incredible
u peep
the rescortes tape?
i can send u a link for the album zip if u want it
s*** incredible
I have not send em thru playboigh
I have not send em thru playboigh