last yr "mysterious music"this yr "talk to me normal"
glad to be a normief*** these weirdos and their "art" lmao:😎jordan:
why is there so much 4chan vocab on this site
op sound sad af
Normies sure make me “ree”, any other ktt-cucks feel the same?
MFW Top Kek LEL SJW gamergate F***ing Spergo 4chan Reddit /v/ Hentai
op listens to mysterious music
DJ Khaled is the furthest thing from normal
Dude doesn't even eat p****
what does this mean
op needs a shower
the what for what
archetype, normie
talk to me normal
My name is Goo not normal
no he doesn't
you need one too bruh
How u do this
Pretty sure a user here said they were adertising this site on 4chan to gain new users