Wish he had more newer artists featured like BlueBucksClan
Yeah. I need Bluebucksclan new album expeditiously
Cover keeps reminding me of that guy Tom and his picture from MySpace lol
Wish he had more newer artists featured like BlueBucksClan
Baby Stone Gorillas too
they was even in the Ghetto MV smh
Cover keeps reminding me of that guy Tom and his picture from MySpace lol
i was expecting a way better project comin off the summer anthem not like us the features mostly didnt peak my interest and the beats were just meh to me my 2 favorite songs off here was the vince/schoolboy joint and the blxst/a boogie song.
Project is good but who sequence the s*** to put Up Now like the first full joint needs to go to jail
Project is good but who sequence the s*** to put Up Now like the first full joint needs to go to jail
Loool for real
Worth a Heartbreak and Pressured Up. Dassit
Travis Scott sounds like s***
Baby Stone Gorillas too
they was even in the Ghetto MV smh
On the YG album dropping later this month
1. “Go Brazy” w/ Mustard & Baby Stone Gorillas
On the YG album dropping later this month
1. “Go Brazy” w/ Mustard & Baby Stone Gorillas